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hi im Daveyj just a quick message to the people that visit this site, (i was one) Right i just want to say to you dont be affraid to join theese wonderful people after all it is free and having only been here a week myself i have been welcomed as if i was part of each and everyones family but most of all there knowlage is second to none so you dont need the books that you see in your shops 99% of the answers are on here THANKS EVERYONE LOVE Daveyj & Alfie

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Dave, what a lovely message to all those people lurking out there.


I am so happy you feel so welcome already! After all, thats what this forum is all about! We dont just care about each others birds we care about the people on here as well!


We are like you say, a Family and a happy one at that!


So come on everyone, join the forum, join in with the fun, ask any questions, chat with different people.


Thanks again Dave for such a nice post!



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Thanks for posting this Dave! :-)


We do care about each and every person and their birdy on this forum. Every Parrot owner IS family instantly.


The people of the world do not understand Parrots or their Owners and thus you can not talk to them or get any good feedback in regards your Parrot.


Thus, the minute someone identifies themselves as a Parrot owner or thinking about getting one, are Family. :-)

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Thanks so much Dave for the compliment, this is what we strive to do and looks like we are succeeding in making new members feel right at home for they have joined a family, our family here and each and every one is special to us.


No one understands us better than others just like us, parrot lovers and especially grey lovers are a special breed of people, the moment you join us you are part of a special group that cares for our birdies and one another.


We do have some very knowledgeable members here who share what they know with us and are willing to help one another with their problems.

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There may be miles and miles keeping us apart, but we are one in our thoughts, and in our hearts. We all love our birds. We have all been brought together on this site for that reason, and along with our birds we are able to form friendships, become family and have fun.


And no matter who you are or where you live or how you live, we all have that one thing in common "picking up bird poop":laugh: And we love it.


Have a great day


Carolyn & Mika<br><br>Post edited by: Carolyn, at: 2008/11/28 18:02

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I was a guilty person .I watched this site before I joined.I wish now I had not, cause the friends I have now on here are wonderful, helpful, and so full of knowledge.I would like to thank all of you for the warm and wonderful help I have received and hope to continue to.

Marie :)

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Nice post! I wasnt a lurker but would like guest visitors to feel that they too can join in if they wish if the want. Dont be afraid to ask questions no matter how strange or obcsure as I am sure someone here will be able to help!B)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey I can vouch for that!! I just got my grey 11/29 and have been a member since late 9/08. I learned an awful lot in those months. And believe it or not the first person to make me welcome was Dave007 who IM'd with me and then the great JudyGram. I never felt so welcome. Everyone here is great so all you GUESTS STEP UP (forgive this little ditty) and join up you are all welcome!!!! This is a great post Davej thanks for making it happen!!!:silly: :kiss:

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Dave, that is a really nice post and I am glad you are so happy hear. As as already been said You do feel very welcome hear. The people do care about the birds and the humans which makes them part of what I think of as my bird family.

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  • 6 months later...

I've learned absolutely everything I know from this site alone - I've never, ever joined a forum about anything in my life (I don't have a facebook account, myspace account, I don't twitter etc) - but because the people on here are so friendly and so knowledgeable I feel comfortable in posting.


The sites here in the UK aren't up to much (sorry if their moderators is on here looking for clues on how to run a great site!) but I am so reassured by the advice given by all. Great post Dave - agree fully - join!! There's always more guests than members on here - I'm sure they'll be "regular returning guests".

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Well one thing is for sure, you don't have to join to read the threads but you do have to join to get in on the fun and participation with the other members. Who care if mods from other forums are on here looking, they know a good thing when they see it.;)

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well i posted this 7 months ago & still put calls on im now & again so its up to them if they join if they dont its them thats missing out on a great bunch of people & its not all serious its fun to everyone has a part to play on this wonderfull site so im glad you took the plunge & joined :)

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What a great post Dave!!! Having been a former "lurker" myself it took me a few days to work up the courage to join. I wasn't in any way intimidated by the people, everyone sounded so nice!!!! However it was a little intimidating because it seemed like everyone was SO much more experienced than I was when it came to grey knowledge. In the end, joining this forum was one of the BEST things I could have ever done for my Chimay, and for us!


Us bird people have got to stick together! It is the poop-cleaning that binds us. HA HA!

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