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I'm worried...


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I really could do with some advice from some of you veteran grey carers...


About a week and a half ago my grey (Greyson) started acting all wierd out of the blue, I heard him fall off his perch a few times to the bottom of his cage to which I noticed he had some white on his chest, looked like a young feather, he wouldn't let me near it, but about 2 days later I noticed it was more like a bone to look at and looked to have a small amount of blood on it.


He is out EVERY single day, he sings and plays cheerfully until I go near the cage, until now he always rushed to the front of his cage to step up on me like a dog would seeing a ball, but he now rushes to the back of the cage and when I try to get him to step up he freaks out on me. When he is left alone in his cage he is fine and happy it seems, but when anyone approaches him he goes mad like I said, he doesn't bike or attack me, he just trys to jump away, it makes no sense, did he fall out with me? Is he sick? Should I take him to an avian vet?


Sorry if I repeat myself over and over, I'm confused and stressed.


I really hope this is something simple, or maybe like a seasonal thing, this little guy is everything to me!


Thanks in advance to all.:dry:

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Greyson should have been to the vet ASAP if you have seen something like a bone as well as some bleeding!


When you say it looks like a bone is this sticking out of his chest area? You seriously need him checked by an Avian vet immediatley. You would certainly be able to tell the difference between a feather and a bone!



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Thanks Caroline, yeah I looks like his breast bone if that makes sense straight down the middle of his chest, halfway down, I would take a pic but he's already jumpy enough, I called 30mins after the innitial posting on here and got him in this morning. Thanks for you help.

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Sorry to keep you all in the dark, I was over run with Thanks Giving, but Greyson is good and well. I guess the incident I gather happened when he was boarded for 3 days when my Family visited from the UK we went to Disney Land, maybe they went to feed him and startled it a little bit which maybe caused him to jump and bang his chest.


Well as far as the vet goes, we just got home (They couldn't see him yesterday as planned) 30 mins ago and I feel sick to my stomach still. She checked him out and removed a few feathers on his chest and exposed a pretty darn good size laceration I do have a picture of it that I took with my iPhone that I will share.


Anyhow she said I could leave it and it would take around 4-6 weeks to heal with Antibiotics, or she could stich it up and give him antibiotics and it would be almost fully healed in 2 weeks.


I swallowed hard and got a lump in my throat, looked at my girl and questioned her (She's an RN) she looked at me and said 'Stich it' - I swallowed again hard took a second to get my breath and agreed to stich it.


I don't care how man you are, I had tears in my eyes and thought I was going to throw up. She numbed it up and cleaned it then looped 3 stiches into his chest and closed up the cut, he didn't go crazy he just muttered a little bit.


Took her about 50 mins total from getting inside there, when she stood him up he stumbled around and came straight towards me, I put down my hand and he stepped up and I could feel he was very weak and very warm (Probably due to stress?) we gave him 2 mins to cool down in which he twit twoo'd me a few times and said 'it's ok' to which I told him it was! then misted him down with water to cool him some, then headed home. Now he's in his cage dancing and eating scrambled eggs... B)

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I am so glad your grey is now on the mend.It is hard when they are ill. I think the decision to stitch was the corect one.Your grey will need lots of tlc over the next few weeks.I am sure the vet has given you instruction on the care and management of his wound and if the advise is followed your little bird will hopefully be back to normal before too long. Good luck and keep us posted on his recovery. Sheila

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I'm so glad that you took your bird to the vet. You could have lost him easily to infection. He should be fine now and I'm so glad to hear he is eating and drinking normaly give him a extra hug for me and don't feel silly for feeling emotional about this I think I would be also our birds are like are children and we feel and love them unconditionaly and when something is hurting them it hurts us as well. Its good he's on the mend now and things can get back to normal.

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I'm still paranoid, the wound looked like a very very tiny cut, but after she removed the surrounding feathers it's way more obvious how bad it really was, of course he would let me no where near him.


His mood is still odd, he still leans back and wants to try fly away (he's clipped) sometimes, and he's very jumpy until you get him out (still doesn't bite or even have a go at me :) ) then he seems semi normal with me.


She said if he still freaks out in 2 more weeks she wants to put him on a very low dose of Haldol (Thats actually a human psych drug, I know it's used for Bi-Polar disorder as I've had it as I'm Bi-Polar and it just makes you lethargic) which would calm him down although I don't like that method, I believe he is on the mend and it will just take a bit of time, and some baby steps again from myself to bring him around again.


Thank you to all of you for your shown support, I have no regret for being sad, I love him so much and nothing can every replace him, it's taken me a long time to bond with him the way we are and I get a kick out of been the only one that can kiss his face and cuddle him :P I'm a proud dad.

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I am sure he is still jumpy after his bad experiance but like you I think time and love will heal that.How is his wound healing up? Has he to go back for a check up with the vet? Just keep a look out on the wound with regards to infection till it is fully healed.

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So happy to hear Greyson is well on the mend. We all luv a guy who is not afraid to show his emotions, it shows true heart and compassion, it is a wonderful quality in such a handsome looking guy. Please keep in touch with us as you are now a very valuable member of our family.

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