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Happy Thanksgiving to all My American Family


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Mika and I would just like to wish all our friends and family to the South a very wonderful Thanksgiving, and hope you will be able to spend it with your families.

Lots of{Holidays-000200AB} and fun.


Have a great day{Holidays-00020130}


Carolyn & Mika

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Thanks Carolyn and I plan on spending it with my family, we are gathering at my daughter's house for the turkey with all the trimmings.


I would like to wish a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving to all the American members of this forum, we do have a lot to be thankful for. I know I am thankful for the pleasure of everyone's company here on greyforums.



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Happy Thanksgiving to you too Carolyn and to everyone else who will be celebrating this wonderful gaining poundage day.I'm giving thanks for my family, friends, Greyforums family and most of all life. I was well blessed this year.

Have a happy Thanksgiving Day.




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this is my favorite holiday of the year. my entire family is together, sisters, husbands, children and of course my highly revered mother who presides over it all.


never a cross word, always happy voices, we are a very blessed family indeed.


long year, tough year, but we're all still standing so happy year.


have a happy day no matter where you are!



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