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How much does your grey weigh?


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Hi judy,

thanks for sharing about the oatmeal. Buddi got tired of her cooked food in the morning, and I was throwing it all out. Charlie eats his...anyway, I tried the oatmeal and they both love it! I added flax seeds and some diced walnuts, a little honey and some coconut, a few raisins....success. THanks soooooooooo much. Buddy is back at 430 grams.

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I took Calvin to the doctor on Saturday and he was at 466 grams. He hadn't really eaten just yet. The opointment was early in the morning. The last time I took him to the doctor and it was back in June, he was at 472 grams. Similar weight to everyone elses bird. Thats good! :)

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Good news! After a month of oatmeal breakfast, Maybe its the pancakes too...both my kids are back at a normal weight, buddi (6 yrs CAG) she's stable at 430 g and charlie (4 Yrs CAG)he is stable at 454 g. He has such broad shoulders, his wings are really fat. She is more petite.

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I got my CAG from a dodgy pet store in Saudi Arabia, he wasn't well looked after and weighed around 390g. I have had him for four months now and he has stabilised around the 415/420g mark. He is approx 16 months old, reading the previous threads I feel happier that he is a good healthy wieght.

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At our last vet visit Pepper was 520 grams. She's a big girl. She was 490 for a long time but the vet felt she was a bit boney. He was pleased with the weight gain. I wish my doctor would be pleased with my latest weight gain! No such luck!:dry:

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Once you have some data to reasonably understand what the "normal" healthy weight is for your bird, it is a good idea to weigh once/week or at least once/month. Weight is one of the things the bird cannot hide if sick, but they are pretty good at hiding many other symptoms that people may not key in to. If you note a 10% or more change in weight in a short time its considered significant to warrant further health evaluation.

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400g can be perfectly normal for a CAG. They are all different. Kip is 18 months and now weighs 390g. From about 1yr to present she went from 360g to 390g. Normal CAG weight range is considered from 350g to 500+g depending on the bird. Much of their size is dependent on ancenstry and the geographical part of Africa their lineage is from. Below is a link I have previously shared that provides some size related info



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I had my own scale for almost a week now. Izzie weights about 380-384g. I will monitor her for couple of weeks and see how she is doing.

She its well (pellets, seed mix, veggies and fruits) and she is playful, her drops arenormal.

How do I know if she is just tiny or if she is sick? When should I take her to the vet?

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You need to monitor the weight and determine what is normal for your bird. If the weight is stable for Izzie at an average of 380g then there is no reason for concern or sign of illness based on weight. If you read the information and link I posted you will see that 380g may be perfectly normal for a CAG. The healthy weight can vary quite a bit from bird to bird. As stated in my last post here, a 10% drop in weight is considered a possible sign of illness that would warrant professional review. ;)<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/12/08 01:43

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