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Are greys good at going to sleep?


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Mine are always quiet at night. My Greys are not very loud at all and I have two of them. they just start chitter chattering in the morning and kinda do that most of the day and get quiet in the evening just about dusk or shortly after, then we do not really hear a peep from them unless disturbed until morning.

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That is what i have gathered so far as well-from books, but wanted to know real life experiences. I am a quiet person if alone, so i am sure i wont disturb the bird much at night, but very much wanting to teach her/him many many things! :) So i guess we will get along quiet well! :)

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Oh this one is funny becauseeeeeee Alcazar is so great going to bed once covered at night and hes good waking up and being quiet uncovered.Here's the funny part.Once he starts hearing me make noise and Im up like 15 minutes he starts saying I love you and Peek-a-boo but he doesnt it in a whisper voice.zit's just tooooooo cute.Its like he really knows.

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So far it's unanimous, my Grey is quite once in cage and covered at night also.


Toni - LOL, I know what you mean. I get up VERY early ...330 or 4 am and I am quiet, but get on PC and start work from home before I go in the office. At Between 6 and 630, Dayo will start saying "What are you doing" "Peek-a-Boo", "Good Morning Dayo", "Wanna go outside?" etc. You just can't stand not to run over and uncover such a sweet souls call to come and get them. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/11/19 15:35

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I have two greys and I dont hear anything once I have put them to bed. However we dont completely cover their cages and the room they are in gets lots of light! We start to hear them then in the morning.


Having said that I think that if you put them in an area which is completly dark at night and up until you uncover your grey then you should be fine.

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My crew isn't covered at night. They have their own room and I do close the door, but daylight fills the room from two windows. Yet, I never hear a peep from them until they hear me first.


If it's anything like other groups of animals in the wild, they might instinctively know that they don't do anything until the flock leader says so. Of course, that would be the only case where I feel like I'm the flock member in charge. B)

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Its interesting you mention flock leaders!

I have three greys which are all in the same room. Charlie the eldest grey will start to vocalise in the morning while he is still covered but the other two wont make a sound. Its as though Charlie is allowed to do this and they have to wait their turn.


Just a thought.



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Ohhh thank you all for your precious advice! This really makes me feel a lot better! (not that i had doubts) These are absolutely fantastic birds! Mine would live in my bedroom though.... And i am avery tossy-turny sleeper... Hopefully that wont disturb her/him too much! :)

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Oliver used to sleep uncovered in my bedroom-he was always very quiet-but when I would come in at night (even though I didn't turn on the light) I would get a sleepy "hello". In the morning he was always quiet till I got up, he would sit and talk quietly to himself sometimes, but save the big noise till I was up and about.


Now he has a sleeping cage in a spare room and he wakes up and quietly talks to himself till I go uncover him. I get a chuckle out of the things he says in the morning-he practices words, etc and just has a good little self chat.

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Here's something new to throw into the discussion:


Ursula is a 7-month CAG and she sleeps in a partially covered sleeping cage in our dark (but not pitch-black) bedroom. When she goes in the cage she shuts right up (even if we are talking softly or moving around a bit), and doesn't make a peep until we get up (when she starts making her rather loud but not deafening morning vocalizations).


BUT - she chews feathers off her back while she's in the sleeping cage (nowhere else). It started happening every night when the cage was completely covered; now it happens about once a week now that it's partially covered and there's a chewable toy in there. We've had her checked by a vet and bathe her and everything, but it seems like she just gets bored sitting there in her sleeping cage. I've never read about anyone else having such a problem and thought maybe someone reading this sleeping post would have something new for me!

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My birds are also quiet at night in the morning Tyco likes to quietly go through her whole vocabulary but she is in my bedroom and although she catters away to herself she's not loud and i doesn't keep me awake. My Amazon and other birds don't make a sound until I uncover their cages. I think all birds when covered stay quiet. as long as its dark its still night to them and they stay quiet in the dark I think its instinced so that night preditors don't hear them.

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