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Need help deciding on a cage


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Hi all,


I am stuck! I have narrowed it down to 2 cages and I cannot decide!! So I have decided to open this up to the democratic society that we are and get a vote!


Here is cage 1:



And cage 2:



I like the split level idea, a few more outlet options and maybe a little more interesting from the inside but then the outside play area is smaller than cage 1. Cage one is great but just seems so boxy and boring. However lots of toys will fix that! See my dilemma?!?!?!


Anyway - let me know your preferences kind folks! :lol:

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I say go with cage 2, it is similar to one I have and I love the playtop on one side like that and mine only has one door so it does not have the divider and it is hard to get to things on the other end.


The play area may be smaller on the split level one but it isn't as high up as the other one, you know how height makes a difference to greys.

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Cage 1 is boxy and is the ideal shape style wise for greys. That's the style of cage that's normally used.

Cage 2 is fine and the size of the play area on top means nothing because some birds won't even use the playtop. If the bird uses the top, the size is fine. The important thing is--as long as the bird can go from cage to cage through the divider( divider being removed) then it's fine. If the bird can only stay on either side, it's a waste of money because if the bird can only stay on one side of the cage then either cage is no good because according to the measuements, either side is too small for a Grey


PS--That's why the playtop on the cage is small--yes, small, but it covers the entire side of that cage.


Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/11/18 02:31<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/11/18 02:37

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I like cage 2 but only if you can take the middle divider out. If not go for cage 1 because it has more room and I like the playtop. The cage I purchased is a EZ Care cage on which the whole front section will open for easy cleaning. It also has an insert door if I only want a smaller opening. The doors and 3 feeding stations all have bolt action locks which I hope to find convenient. The play top has a removal sliding tray for easy cleaning, ladder, six hanging hooks for toys and 2 heavy ceramic food pots. Good luck with your cage hunting venture.

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I vote for cage 1, because it does have more room and would probably be a little easier to clean. My TAG spends lots of time playing on the playtop on his cage and I really love it. I have an Avian Adventures cage, the mediana.

By the way, I don't know what color you are picking but if you get white it is harder to see the bird inside the cage- just something to keep in mind. Good luck in your decision.

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Great - thanks you guys. Lyric I appreciate the color info!!


Cage 2 has the same area as other cages and is more unique looking. The divider would definitely be out permanently,and it seemed to have more in/out options which may be more fun for a grey.


I also noticed the bars are closer together which may be either a. more confining looking to the bird or b. more secure feeling to the bird.




However I am sure going to look up the EZ care cages too. I like that idea of the whole fron panel opening for cleaning.

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Neither, I vote for a cage VERY similar to #1 but I have a cheaper option for you (And I say a beter option, and if you ask around the forum of the quality of this brand cage, I think most would agree)




The Kings cage is pretty much the same as #1, but it is cheaper than the cage you are looking at and it is extremely good quality.

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I have found cage #1 for as low as $399 with no tax and free shipping!!


Still trying to decide though . . . cost is second to getting the best cage for my eventual grey!!


Although if I could afford the stainless steel that would be great, I am just not made of money darnit!

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When I bought my cage (That is the exact cage I have for my TAGs)there was free shipping. I am very happy I bought the cage from Kings. By fiancee teased me some because I get such a big cage, but if I compare that cage to the size of the rain forest in the Congo, that big cage is still way smaller than tiny.<br><br>Post edited by: Sallas, at: 2008/11/19 16:25

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Hi Redkim ~


Perhaps you should let the grey decide. You know possibly run a few tests for color and shape preference and let the grey do the choosing. The grey is the one who will have to call it home. Just try to get a feel for what the grey likes and go with it. Let the lil' one be a part of the decision making process. Let him know he has a say in things and that his feelings are valuable. These are hallmarks for any solid relationship.



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Hi AM,


Well I sure would love to do that but I do need to have a cage before he gets home so he has something to live in! ;)


I have already found and put a deposit on a great 7 month old CAG from Birds and More. He is quite the mellow guy and has stepped up on everything I asked him to in the store. So far he has not shown a decided preference for a particular style. So much for him holding up his end of the bargain!!


I did find a great travel cage for the times we need to travel and for his trip home from the store so I did buy that but it's only for short trips, way too small to be a cage for more than a couple of days.


I also have found some HUGE macaw cages and I like that, I will just have to make some secure hidey-areas in a cage that big. I also found the EZ care cage that luvparrots has - WOW that is SO cool!!


Oh well - back to the search. :side:

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Hello Redkim ~


You should blow up some pictures of the cages and show them to the grey, and see which one s/he gravitates towards. You have to hold them all up at the SAME time (obviously). Do the test a bunch of times and see what happens. I am guessing s/he will have a favorite. You would have to do this BEFORE you bring him home ~ you are right ~ he should have the cage ready when you bring him home ~ unless if you want to go the cage-less route. I have oftentimes been tempted to take this path.


To find out the grey's preferred color maybe you should bring in different colored blocks (green, gold or whatever colors you are debating for the cage) and have the grey do the choosing. Throw all the blocks in his cage and the grey should pick up the one it likes best. Of course, do it a bunch of times to be sure of his favorite.


I wonder if anyone has ever tried this method before?!?! B)


I am pretty sure these tests wouldn't work that great if the grey was still in its egg ~ just another reason to get an older, more mature, grey.



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I don't think going cageless is really an option unless you have a room of your house to devote to your bird. You would need to make it birdproof by removing anything that the bird shouldn't chew on or anything that could be dangerous to your bird. It is great to allow a bird a lot of supervised time out of it's cage but whenever someone is not around to supervise a bird should really be in a cage. Think of letting a 2 year old child stay loose in your home unattended. There are too many things that can harm them or ways for them to get injured or even killed. Of course this is just my opinion and I'm sure there are some people that do go this route but I think it isn't always in the best interest of the animal.

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I pick cage #1 Tyco has one simalar to that one and she absolutly loves it and I find it eaasy to clean I have a white one but if you can get that cage i a different colour i would. White really shows the poop I constantly wiping down Tycos cage every time she poops off her play top she always hits every bar on the way down and it looks so gross I have to clean it off right away I have a spry bottle of vinagar and water that sit beside her cage just because of that. In some ways its good her cage is always spotless but its allot of work also.

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Cageless is definitely not in the best interest of any bird. Just like us, they want a place to call their own. A "room" where they feel safe and secure that is just theirs, and not shared with their other flock members (us humans). There will be times when for the safety of your bird, he or she will need to be kept safe. Repair men, service people, deliveries, strangers entering and exiting your home. You will run the risk of them accidentally flying out if you are not able to keep them contained. Not to mention the wires, and other safety concerns. It is virtually impossible to "bird-proof" your home completely. Just my opinion.


I would pick cage 2.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/11/20 22:00

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My 2 cents worth - go for cage 1 -- although I know you can find a cheaper alternative. Cage 2, although very unique looking, is not going to allow your gray to extend its wings and flap. Cage 2 is also only 4mm wide, while Cage 1 is 5 mm wide on the size of the bars. I also like the large area playtop on cage 1. I did buy a double macaw cage for mine -- but living alone means it is a test to your flexibility and imagination as to how to drape ropes and such from one side to another by yourself :laugh: .


rule of thumb: buy as large as you can afford for the space you have.

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Originally for Darcy, I needed to move all the perches down really low because he was so young and clumsy. I'll show the original setup of the cage, but that has changed many times now, adding and substracting perches, toys, etc. Get one that you feel comfortable cleaning. This baby is large and somewhat cumbersome. I do have double doors leading into the room and I can move the cage outside the room and outside the front door if I ever want to use a pressure washer to clean the entire cage. Since I built the cage inside the room, I was a little concerned about getting it out [course I didn't think of that until someone asked me]. At the end, I needed help to get the top fitted together properly.

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Very cool thanks for the input guys!!


I see the limitations in cage 2 - unless he is in the lower 32" height he will not have the full width of the cage (again the divider is out completely) but I want to avoid constrictions.


Cageless is not an option for safety reasons plus when we get our new house I want our parrot to be in our family room with all the action as opposed to a separate room.


Patsy - That's a great cage!! What are the dimensions and who makes it?


Perches in a huge cage could be a problem but luckily there is a veritable manzanita forest on my parents ranch and so I get to go and raid it for anything I need, that way I can get perches and trees as large or long as I need. Kinda cool really.


OK - guys. Moving away from the split level and onto a huge open cage, still looking for playtop although I can modify a cage like Patsy's to have a playtop.


Thank you all - AM I like the idea of seeing what colors my new guy will like. I am going to be visiting him/her as much as I can until I get to bring him home in January. I was already figuring on letting him choose all his toys at the store during our visits too.

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Cageless is never an option, too much stuff they can get into and get hurt by and even if you work from home you cannot keep your eye on them every minute. There does come a time when you step out to go to the store or even the mailbox and leave them, you wouldn't leave a 2 year old child alone and you can't leave a grey either, use some common sense.

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this is where I got my cage:



At the time they had it on sale for $614.99. But I found on another site where they match the price and give a 10% difference, so I only ended up paying $545 for the cage. It was a great deal. I think if you look carefully, and spend a LOT of time on the web, you could find a better price than they are currently offering.


http://www.mybirdstore.com/Dome_Top_Bird_Cages-DOUBLE_MACAW_64_X32_X62_.html has it for $579.00.


Avian emporium has the low price guarantee. They will meet the price above, plus give a 10% price difference. (http://www.bird-supplies.net/LowPrice.htm). Work with them and you should be able to get a good deal too.

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