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New Michigander to the site! :)


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Hi everyone! I'm new here. My name is Kimberly and I'm a 24 year old University student. I live with my parents in Southeastern Michigan.


Our pets include:


2 dogs:

Moon MT Chaka a.k.a. "Chaka" ~ a 6 yr. old rescued greyhound (female)

Millington Georgette a.k.a. "Millie" - a 6 yr. old shar-pei mix (female)


2 Canaries:

"Sunny" - an American Singer Canary (male)

"Stumpy" - a rescued Fancy Canary (male)



Outdoor pond w/ goldfish and frogs

Indoor tank w/ glo-light, neon, and black skirt tetras




Anyways, I came upon this forum because our family is in the process of adopting a parrot. Hopefully it is the African Grey that we've been eying!


We have other birds, but no large bird experience. A lot of people think that people with no large bird experience shouldn't adopt a bird....but my philosophy is...you have to start somewhere, right? We either go buy one and gain experience, or you rescue one and gain experience. We want to adopt one. :side:


We have read all the African Grey books at the library and have learned a great deal online, as well. We found a great adoption place in Ohio that is all about parrot education. They are super nice and we're required to attend 3 seminars/classes that are each several hours long. We've already had our home interview and our last seminar is Dec. 6th!! :woohoo:


The director of the agency already contacted us regarding the grey. So after the seminar we get to meet MacKenzie! She is a TAG and is very healthy with no feather destruction behavior, etc. If it's a match then she gets to come HOME!


We are super excited, but trying not to get our hopes up too much until it's certain that she is going to be ours.


We already have an approved cage with 3/4 bar spacing with a play top on it. We're slowly getting toys and perches so that we don't drop a fortune at the last minute on the necessary items.


Luckily, my dad is an engineer and we're already planning on building a sweet play/foraging unit. We are thinking of a main PVC pipe in a cross or "t" pattern and then placing long branches (purchased from a parrot store) stemming in all directions...with some toys hanging and untreated leather wrapped around a foraging board that can be pulled up.


Anyways, I hope to make friends with some people on here for advice and tips. Maybe meet some other grey owners from our area?!


We're hoping for the best FOR THE BIRD. So please do me a favor and pray for the TAG, MacKenzie, that she may be happy and find her forever home...hopefully with us! hehe ;)

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Welcome Kimberly!!


Wow, what a nice introduction. Rescuing is a wonderful thing to do and it sounds like you and family have really done your homework on African Greys.


It sounds like that Timneh will have a virtual Parrot Paradise by the time December 6th gets here. Enjoy the time at the classes and at the rescue as the chance to interact with that Timneh presents itself.


I'm praying that MacKensie has FOUND her forever home. ;-) :-)

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Hi Kimberly,


Welcome to the forum!


Im glad you have decided to adopt a grey I can tell you that its very rewarding. I have two greys Indy is 9 months old and Ice is 4yrs old. Ice is our adopted bird and we have had indy since she was 12 weeks old.


Both have really greyt personalities and are different in their own ways. I had no large bird/parrot experience when I got Indy but you will learn fast. There is tonnes of advice here on the forum and people will be more than happy to help you!


All the best!<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2008/11/17 13:51

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Hello Kimberly and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this grey you are getting.


I commend you for taking in a rehomed bird, there are so many out there in need of good homes and it seems like you want to do what is in the best interest of the bird. You are doing exactly what you should do in finding out all you can about the grey and you came to the right place for help and advice.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that Mackenzie will be coming to your home and that she brings much joy and happiness to your life.


I have already seen a picture of her and she is a beautiful Tag but we are anxious to see more pictures when you do bring her home, I have my fingers crossed.

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Hey Kimberly luv your post, so informative. Sounds like you and your parents will be providing a perfect home for Mackenzie. Can't wait to see pictures of this great play/foraging stand. Mackenzie is lucky to have an engineer for an adoptive parent, I can see many creative toys in her future with you and mom and dad. That you have carefully thought out, researched and been willing to attend the seminars is commendable and I know you and your parents will soon be bringing Mackenzie home to her forever home. It's Delightful:lol: :silly: :kiss:

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Hi Kimberly, welcome to the forum. It's really so great that you and your parents are going through the process of adopting a grey. It sounds like this rescue really knows what it is doing and all about making sure that the bird will be a good fit for the home it ends up in. I hope you do end up with this TAG but if not, you'll be ready for the next one that finds its way to you. Best of luck and keep us updated.

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Welcome Kimberly! Lots of great info here, and the best part is our members!! Owning a grey (or any parrot for that matter) is one of the most rewarding experiences, they never cease to amaze and bring enjoyment. Make no mistake, they are a lot of work, there will be challenges and it is a life long commitment, but if you are ready and willing the relationship you build will reward you 1000 times over. I hope the best for MacKezie and you. As you said, if its a match then it could be great for you both and if not then lets hope she finds a forever home in any case. Keep us posted and please dont hesitate to poke around and ask questions! ;)

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Hi Kimberly and welcome to the forum!


Its so good that you hopefully will be taking a rehome!

I will be praying that everything goes smoothly and Mackenzie will soon be a big part of your family.


Thankyou for such a lovely introduction.


I hope you will enjoy it here.



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Hello Kimberly,

I did not have any large bird experience before I got my first TAG (I did have small and medium) but there would be nobody with large bird experience if people did not just do their research and get the birds and work through the issues. To me it sounds like you and your parents are going about it the right way.


I now have two TAGs and could not imagine my life without them.


I really hope you get the bird of your dreams.


Oh and I am not too far from you all there, I am from SE Wisconsin.

We had snow yesterday morning :( {Feel-bad-00020079}

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