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Hello from Malaysia


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Hi, I have been shyly lurking here awhile B) I got my baby grey Olly about two months ago and have been coming here for advice and tips, and now that Olly is nicely settled into his new home, I thought it's about time I registered and introduced myself to the friendly people here. So - hello everyone!

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Hello Ollybird and welcome to the family, so glad you finally joined us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Olly.


He is a handsome looking grey from the looks of your avatar and I am sure he is the apple of your eye.


You came to the right place for lots of helpful information for you will find loads of it in our many threads so browse thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have any other pictures of Olly you would like to share with us we would love to see them.

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Thanks everyone for the kind welcomes :). Olly is a sweetheart and I absolutely love him. I am enjoying his babyhood and know all that might change when he hits his 'terrible twos', but I have a preteen human daughter and am used to tantrums anyway!


Like any proud mom I do have lots of photos of Olly, and would like to share them! (I hope the photos upload ok)


When he's not with me indoors, he spends most of his day on our garden swing, as you can see I've turned it into a rather large playstand! I got the large green rope from a fishing and boating supply store and twisted it round the legs of the swing for Olly to climb up and down on. (I made a little swing for him with the leftover length, thanks to the inspiration from other members' photos on this forum!) He is free to climb down onto the grass, and I think it satisfies his need to 'forage', which he does for a couple of hours each day (I scatter seeds for him).


The other photos are of Olly having his breakfast, watched over by my 6 year old German Shepherd Zoe, who seems to have appointed herself Olly's bodyguard! Zoe is the sweetest, kindest teddy bear of a dog, and the two of them seem to have forged a bond in the last two months. (Olly has learnt to bark a little, too!) Zoe chases away the sparrows which come to steal Olly's food, and with Zoe around, Olly is also safe from any neighborhood cat that might be passing by.


Thanks again for the warm welcomes, I am glad to have found such a nice group of people in this forum!


Post edited by: Ollybird, at: 2008/11/14 04:13<br><br>Post edited by: Ollybird, at: 2008/11/14 06:04



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Just wanted to share one more photo of these two just hangin' out this morning and doing their things - Olly with his breakfast french bean and Zoe with her chewy toy! Thanks, Judygram, Olly does love his big playstand - it gives me such pleasure to just watch these guys being happy, and it's so nice to know the people here understand just what I mean :)



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Hello Ollybird, welcome to the forum.


I just love that last photo with Olly and Zoe hanging out together! Looks like they are going to be good friends!


I really like Ollys playstand, I bet he has so much fun!


Glad you have taken the time to join us all, everyone here is so friendly, Im sure you will really enjoy it.



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