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Voice change?


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So lately I've noticed that (I think) Woody's voice sounds different. I say I think because he has also learned some new sounds like my yawning. Could he just be making these new sounds or imitating me in a different voice or could his voice be different meaning he could be sick? Any way to tell? Some things he says sounds different like his honk sound, other things like "Go lie down! I love you, go potty" etc all sound normal. He is still eating, drinking, talking, playing and pooping normally - any ideas? If he is ill, what causes voice change?

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If he is still saying certain things in his normal voice I would think he is mimicing another voice.


My eldest grey Charlie talks in about three different voices. From a very low deep voice to a very girlie one.


They pick different voices up from people, listening to the television etc, they are very smart!


If you are concerned at all or if there is a change in his daily habits, eating, pooping activity etc then I would start to be concerned and take him for a check up at your Avian vet.


How long has he been doing this for? Have you only just noticed this?



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I noticed several days ago, but my boyfriend assures me he thinks it sounds normal. I know woody does joeys voice and mine, but what I mean is that things he said that were once a high voice are now a lower voice etc which is what concerned me. But again, lots of things sound normal. :S

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Charlie has different voices. He can talk very soft and then sometimes really harsh and deep.I dont think it is anything to worry about. If he shows any change in behaviour or not eating check it out but I am sure all is fine.

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Pretty soon, he's gonna start saying things in 2 or more voices in the same sentence or series of words. Then he's gonna mix up the words and soon, you won't know what he's doing but I can assure you that nothing is wrong other than that he's becoming a teenager. Think about that young male boy. The adam's apple starts to get obvious. The tiny pubes start growing out. The male imagination kicks in. He starts to see what he thinks are huge biceps. The voice changes depending on whether it's a girl or a guy walking down the street BUT the kid has invented a brand new voice when he has to answer to the school principal after doing some *boy* things with his buddies in class. It's a voice you never heard before and all you can do is think "Oh geez, does the boy have a sore throat?"

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LOL Dave, I love the puberty parallel. :-)


They do definitely speak in many different voices. My Grey has a voice for me at home, a voice for me talking to him via Cell Phone that sounds scratchy as they do on speaker phone, my wife's voice, my sons voice, my grand daughter and grandsons voice. Then he just has Dayo's voice. :-)


Maybe he's possessed by Legion. ;-)

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