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DYH Amazon


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I think Zons are the most beautiful birds. I am so glad the world has people like you in it, saving this poor baby is such a special thing:) the best part is your hubby is vaccuming HAHA perfect I wish you the best of Luck I know he will come around quik with people like you and your hubby around!!

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That is really funny about the vacuum cleaner. I think it's neat how they react to certain sounds. I made some instant pudding earlier today and when I turned the mixer on, he did the same things. Started chatting away.


My eclectus will take a bath in his water bowl when I vacuum the room he is in.


No, Denny Crane will not be on the list ;) :laugh: I think that's the wrong name too but funny. I can just here him "Hi, I'm Denny Crane"

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Sampson is my favorite off our list too. I just like that name for some reason. Sounds masculine:) We were also trying to think of names that started with a B cuz we have Baxter & Bonkers but we could only come up with Bucky:woohoo: :laugh:


I think my hubby wants to decide on a name Sunday/tomorrow night so I hope we get some more in. Thanks everyone who has given us names to think about:)

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Hey Erika, just thought I'd drop in and tell you too how thoroughly you and your husband have warmed my heart with your new adoption. Like you, I am especially touched by your husband's willingness to take on this burd who was not his original dream - and that he seems to really be bonding with it well, also! There's something about an animal in need that just makes you rise above, I think - if you are an animal lover at all. Bravo to both of you! I'm glad I finally woke up and found this post. Congratulations on your new Amazon!


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:silly: You and your husband are amazing -- Karma for you for taking this boy home with you. It sounds like he is going to fit in really well, once he gets used to y'all. Congratulations. I'll think about some names and see if I can come up with anything.

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Thanks everyone! And thanks for the karma:) That video is really cute:laugh: Amazing how they can figure things out and turn simple things into tools. I've heard of back scratchers but neck sractchers. Too funny.:laugh:


Cooper is doing really well and getting situated. He's only been with us for a week. He is coming out of his cage on his own and going on top by himself. He loves all toys!!!! Or non toys:blink: Anything we give to him he can turn it into a toy and have a blast with it.


He is starting to step up from the cage. Well, only cuz there is not better alternatives;) When he is on top I will get him to one corner and put my arm behind his body so he can't run across the cage and put my other hand in front and tell him to step up. After pacing a few times he gets on my hand:) He's not scared of our hands but does not want to be petted any yet.


I put him on a pillow on my lap the last few nights with a baby blanket on top and he just had a blast pulling and tugging at the blanket. The second time (last night) I gave him a toy to play with and he was in heaven:) I have my hands on the pillow and he walks into them and bumps them and has no fear of them but still cant really touch him a whole lot. I try and sneak a few pets in on his chest and wings but he clearly doesn't like it. (He will eventually) When I try to pet him he will step up on my hands:lol: I think that is the only thing he can think of so I don't pet him. If he steps up on my hand I can't use it to pet him. ;) Smart bird. :P That's ok too cuz that way I keep saying step up and he does so he is really learning a lot.


He is a real clown and I think he is going to be a great addition to our flock. Any time we turn anything on with some kind of motor like the vaccuum, mixer, washing machine, hair dryer anything with a hum or motor sound he will laugh hysterically and say some of his words. He also cries too, just like a real baby. He says a few words when it's quiet and sometimes if we say hello to him, he will answer back and say Hello bird:laugh:


So not bad for one week. He's fun!

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Copper sounds like such a fun little guy I just love Amazons they're the best even though they can get very noisy at time and usually at the wrong time they are allot of fun and can be taught todo so may things they are very trainable. Fergie can roll over and play dead just like a dog it funny to watch she also likes to lay on her back and juggle a toy. She doesn't like it when I'm on the phone just like a little kid she start screaming and making it very hard to talk I end up haveing to go to the farthest room away from her just so I can have a conversation.

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Cooper is a funny character.:laugh:   I have been wondering about their personalities though. He is so playful and curious now. Do you think that is because he is young or are they like that naturally? He is stepping up now and so we are able to take him to another room, lay a blanket down and we have a lot of colored and different shaped blocks that he loves to toss around (and eat)  and he has a blast doing that.  I think he likes the color orange. That's the color he grabs most often. He hangs upside down from his toys and makes all kinds of racket with the bells and toys.He doesn't make much noise or talk much at all but I know it's still early on. He has never gotten loud at all (yet) He will talk every time we turn something on with a motor like the vaccuum, blender, mixer, etc. And he also laughs hysterically, like side splitting laugther when we vaccume, mix, etc. :laugh: It cracks us up. Every great now and then when we say hello to him he will answer back.I was wondering if he talks when we have something turned on cuz he's nervous or scared although his body language does not show any fear but it's the only time  he says any words.


Is he being such an active boy cuz he's young or are they just really active and comical birds. I am hoping he will not outgrow this stage cuz it looks like he has so much fun.


He still does not like us to pet him and when we try to he makes a little crying noise. He used to make the crying noise when we wanted him to step up but now that he's learning that he doesn't do it then anymore.


I would love to hear more about amazon personalities from anyone who has one. You really can't get a hole lot of the internet or books, I want to hear first hand experience if I can.

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I have a female I can tell you what she is like I don't know to much about the males but I've heard the males can get quite agressive at times when they are hormonal. When Fergie is hormonal all she wants is pets an cuddles and she seems to nyot be able to get enough. She is 11 yrs old now and still as clownish and playful as she was when she was young. When they are molting they can be cranky it helps if you give them lots of baths and help by pinching the tips of their pins if they will allow it. Fergie last molt was very heavy and she was just miserable she didn't want to be touch or nothing she just wanted to be left alone she made that very clear. When an Amazon goes into display mode like fanning their tails and wings and eyes pinning it means stay away don't come near me or I'll bite you. Many times this may look like they're playing but don't push it or you'll get a very good bite. Fergie hates men because she was abused by one when she was young and If there is a man in the house she will diplay but at the same time she will say hello whatcha doin ah and its just a ploy to get the man to come closer so she can bite him she's very smart. She is also stubborn she loves to get on top of my kitchen cupboard and chew on them. She knows she's not allowed but she will have me climbing up and down off a chair for a couple hours getting her down giveing her a timeout then I let her out and the first place she goes is back up there again. She eventually gets tired of it. I think its more that she is playful more than stubborn really she turns it into a game its frustrating to me but she's having a great time. I don't really know what else to tell you they are wonderful birds most of the time they can be very loud at time and very frustating at times but you can't help but love them to death they are funny and sweet and love cuddles and pets once they learn just how good they feel. Amazon also have a smell not all the time more during hormonal times I've learned to really like the smell some people don't like it at all to me its like a sweet musk smell you will notice it probubly soon if you haven't already. Like I said I like it but lots of people don't.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/11/17 05:08

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Hi Erica. I dont have personal experiance of amazons but what Pat is sayins appears to be spot on from what I know. They are more active than greys and very playful and clownish.They can be noisey when they want , cant they all. Interesting point about the smell they give off when hormonal, I had not heared of that till now. They do appear to maintain their playful personality.Oh and I have read they are prone to obesity.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/11/17 12:39

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I am glad he will stay playful cuz that is so cute. I do know the smell that Pat is talking about. My eclectus has that smell, kind of smells like musky spices:ohmy: I don't mind it but some people might but only time I smell it is when he is real close to me.. And Cooper has it too. When he steps up and he is on our hand all the sudden I will get a wiff of it. He has a stronger odor than my eclectus does. Does that mean he is hitting puberty? Is that when the odor starts?


I can believe they are prone to obesity too. I think Cooper is so big and his chest is soooo wide! When we got his feathers clipped I asked the girl about it too and she said he wasn't obese but he is kind of chunky:laugh:


I was just hoping that he would stay playful and curious like he is. I thought maybe when he matured more that would all stop but sounds like this is how they are. Yeah!


It's amazing to me how each bird I have is so different from each other. I love the differences in them all.

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