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DYH Amazon


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My husband said a few months ago he would like to get an Amazon and planned to get either a baby or a real young one. The plan was to get one in December but he found an add online about a 1 year old, dna'd male, friendly & good talker. I called her said she had him since he was a baby, finished hand feeding/weaning him and had to get rid of him due to her daughters allergies. I asked if he had been handled much and let out of the cage and she said yes but not much lately due to the daughters allergies. That still sounded ok to me and we went to go look at him Wednesday November 5th.


I will say her ad was deceiving to say the least. This is what we found, starting with the cage. The cage is good sized but the entire outside had plexiglass over the bars except for the top 8 to 10 inches and the ceiling of it. Poor guy couldn't even climb the sides of his cage and the plexiglass was filthy. She said she did this so there wouldn't be a mess (outside the cage). The cage was in a hallway and the lighting wasn't bad but not that great either. I could see that she didn't bother to clean the cage for us but didn't realize how bad it actually was untill later. He only had the one long original perch inside and one small 6" cement perch. There was one of those rope perches but it was just hanging down the side a piece of metal hanging out of it that used to be on the inside of it. It was caked with crud, too.:sick: There was one small plastic parakeet toy and one other small toy hanging inside. The cheapest ($5.00) toys you could possibly get. It only got worse from there. I asked about his handling and did he know how to step up, she said no but he will get on you and I could tell she didn't want to take him out. By this time I knew this wasn't a cared for or a tame bird. :angry: She did put her hand in and he didn't look scared but he did run to the back of the cage. He didn't want any human contact.:(


She said the birds name was Mojo. He was a friendly looking bird and he was a pretty good sized bird. I was trying to look past all the bad and see the good. He was very pretty but his tail feathers were kind of ratty and a couple other places too. Look like he was oily or dirty in spots. Other than not looking very well groomed he seemed ok. The eyes were bright and there was no discharge coming from his nasal area. I didnt see any real red flags with him that a little bit of care, healthy diet & a bath wouldn't fix. I asked what she fed him and she said sunflower seeds and he had a bowl full inside:pinch: . She said he never used a water bowl and has only drank from a water bottle since she got him(that you hand on the side of the cage) I thought no wonder he doesn't look clean, he has probably never even had a bath!!:angry: :pinch: Atleast if he had a water bowl inside he could taken atleast some baths. She was telling us how wonderful everything was with him and how much she would miss him and put on a good show. By this time I was fuming inside and so was my husband but we played it off, discuss it briefly and decided to get that poor bird out of that filthy disgusting enviroment.


Now this is not the kind of bird we wanted to get. We wanted a baby or young and friendly bird that we could love and get along with from the start but neither one of us felt like we could leave it there. So we paid the woman and took the bird.


At the house we offered him pellets and he acted like he was starved for those. He was very excited about the food. I put one of those edible calcium perches up and he started chewing on it, too. My other birds have never chewed on them so I thought he might have really needed some calcium. I was still upset because he acted like he was starving and hadn't had decent food in ages.


Then we removed all the plexiglass off all the sides of the cage. It was then that I noticed the plexiglass was over the bottom grate of the cage. There was no way to even get the bottom grate out to clean it and it had not been cleaned in I don't know how long, several month atleast. The poop was just caked on. It was pretty stinky too:sick: It was awful. It was getting late and I thought I would let the bird get settled in and I would clean the cage the next day. We tried to sit back and relax a bit but the cage was stinking up the room he was in pretty good. Maybe because we took the plexiglass off the sides, I don't know but it was really bad. Poor bird was living in filth:angry:


We managed to get our new amazon on a table perch and I scrubbed the cage outside twice the next day. Put in all new toys, good food and put him back in. He loved the toys.


He is still scared but very curious of us. Baxter my grey wasn't used to being touched but we got through it but this one is going to much more of a challenge for us. Sigh. I am glad we brought him home though and I am really glad that my husband decided to take him too because he really was looking for an easy, mellow and step up well rounded bird.


I am just furious that that woman could let a bird live in that kind of filth and not pay attention to it at all. She lived in a huge (and I mean huge) log cabin home but with all the fancy bells and whistles in her home but couldn't even clean her birds cage.


I did get the spray bottle out to see his reaction to getting a bath. I was just going to mist above him and let it fall on him gently and see if he would freak out or not and he loved it sooooo much so I kept spraying him:) . I mean he even opened his wings up so I could get him wet under the wings. He let me get him pretty soaked and by the time he dried he looked like a completely different bird. This one is going to take lots time though.


Sorry this was so long. Here's a picture of our most recent and final flock member. She called him Mojo but I think we are going to change his name but want to get to know him a little more before we change it.




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Another one of your excellent posts Erika. Your caring and concern for these unique pets...or should I say companions truly moves me once again. It refreshes my faith to be informed of such a noble act from your husband and yourself to make a positive decision in making a difference in the husbandry of our beloved companions. You truly are an inspiration to me, and should be; to all the members of this community. I congratulate you and your husband for making a compassionate decision.

Moving forward; it is evident that this lady had no idea of the requirements of keeping a parrot. Unfortunately this is common in the pet trade. It is human nature to see something, covet it, and then after making an aquisition, realize that a certain pet is not ideal for your lifestyle.

This is the case regarding your Amazon. It seems to me that she got Mojo as a chick but never researched what needs and attention he would require as he matured. As you mention she only fed him sunflower seeds. Information like the one provided in this forum teaches us about the benefits of a diversified diet and helps us prevent deadly defeciencies to our pets.

Congratulations on the new member of the flock and it seems to me that this Amazon got his Mojo!:)

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Diddo what trustdace said thank god for people that have hearts like your family. He is very pretty bird even though his diet was terrible. Some things are meant to be and prob him coming to you was. I hope and know he'll find true happiness with you

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Well its about time you told the rest of the world I've been on pins and needles for 2 days now waiting for this thread. He's beautiful. I love Amazons your going to have so much fun with him once he settles in. I was thinking about you today while I was playing roly poly with a tennis ball and my Zon she just loves rolling the ball back and forth between us. They are very playful birds and curious about everything. I'm sure your new baby will come around in no time once he settles in. just watch his body language an Amaxon will always warn before it bites. I think its wonderful that you gave this bird a chance for a happy life if he's only a year old it won't take to long for him to come around You know how to do it patients and love are the key. and never show an Amazon that your afraid of his bite he will play on it to the max. Good luck with your new rescue project I'm sure you will have him eating out of your hand in no time.

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Erica what a great thing you have done for this beautiful bird. He is adorable. How anyone can have such a bird and not take the time to even keep his cage clean is beyond my comprehention.You and your husband will be rewarded ten fold by the love and fun you recieve from Mojo. Take care and keep us posted.

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Erika, I am so proud of you for taking in this bird, I know you and your husband wanted a baby but this bird needed you as much as you needed it. It is deplorable how someone could keep a bird in such conditions, he doesn't know yet how much better his life is going to be from now on but he soon will.


He is a nice looking bird and even though he has been on a seed only diet he doesn't look malnourished but if it was years down the road he probably would, thank god you got him at a younger age.


I am sure with a little time and much patience we will hear some amazing things about him from you, you have a big heart and I look forward to seeing more pictures of him.


Thanks Erika for rescuing this amazon from his hell hole of living conditions and giving him a home filled with love and attention, thank you, thank you, thank you.:kiss:

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Hmmm my second post didnt post. Anyhoo what it did say was have fun good luck.They are a pretty bird just a lil bull headed but you seem like a strong willed person to take him home and with your love and care he will turn out great! I got mine recently and they are 10 years old.Its harder for mine to get back on track because they are a pair.They can tell I love them though even when they well, she bites me.

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Hey, thanks for all the well wishes. I can already tell he is nothing like Baxter when he came to us and this one is going to be different and more challenging all the way around:laugh:


We got him Wed, Thursday we opened the cage door but he wouldn't come which we expected. We let him be most of the day & settle in. He would takes treats from us and foot toys, too:woohoo: so that was good. He doesn't run away from us unless we want to touch him. He will let us pet his beak without running off but if we try to touch any other part of his body he scrambles away. In the evening we heard a few flaps and he was just outside the front of his cage on the floor. Hmmm, how do we get him back in????:unsure: We hoped he would climb to the top of his playgym but he had other ideas. He ran in the other direction and when we'd get close he would fly off. I finally cornered him and got him up on my hand and as long as I didn't move my hand at all he was ok but if I moved his legs seemed to turn to jello and he'd just sit his butt down or flip upside down and hang from my fingers like that. It was funny. My others don't act like this:lol: Problem was when I would move my hand just slightly he would fly off my hand and he goes straight up as high as he can go. I had to hold him to get him back to his cage and I got bit:ohmy: (knew it was just a matter of time) He did fly into a chair:( . It wasn't a hard impact or anything but he held his wing down for a few minutes and we were scared but after 5 minutes it was back to normal. Thank goodness!!! We got him back in and he settled down again and didn't seem to really phase him much at all. But that little episode did scare us and we decided we were going to get his wings clipped. My other birds wings are not clipped and I didn't think we would clip his wings either but think it is in his best interest at the moment. The way he flies off I don't think we could even begin to train or handle him without his wings clipped. I was surprised he could even fly at all trapped in his cage like he was.


Friday afternoon(yesterday) we took him to the pet store and had his wings clipped:( I don't even know if he realized it yet. He hasn't tried to fly anymore. He did go up to the top of his playgym and didn't go back in so my husband tried a perch for him to step up on this time and he stepped up on it with a little coaxing. This might be the way we start out instead of on the hands. He took to the perch much better than a hand. (Baxter freaked out when we tried to get him to step up on a perch.)


He was saying a few words yesterday too so he must be settling in ok. Right now he is talking some more. I think he will be fine. My husband is thrilled with him. he likes my other birds but this one I can tell is going to be his baby:) . He is acting like me when I first got Baxter. He is fascinated with him and I am so glad. Especially since he wanted a young well mannered friendly bird that already knew how to step up. :laugh:


This is going to be fun. He is eating pretty good still. He had such a bad diet but he is actually fat. I think all those sunflower seed fattened him up too much. He is starting to say some words. He is saying eieio (old macdonald), hello bird, hello and hi. I got the vaccuum out yesterday and thats when the talking started. "He also said What are you doing Huh???" He laughs and he makes baby noises too. So he actually is a good talker.

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Hmmm, Toni, I just did a post, too and it didn't show up either. What's going on?


What I said in the last post was he has started acting like a real clown in the past hour. He is hanging upside down from his cage and doing silly acrobats. He is talking alot too so I am assuming he is happy with everything.


I got the misting bottle back out to see if he would like again. Thats when all the excitement began. He does not run from it at all. I sprayed him a few times and he comes as close as he can without coming out of the cage:) That's when he went to the top of the cage and opened his wings so I could get those armpits:laugh: and he's been silly ever since. :silly: :side: :P


I forgot to tell everyone that I did get his paperwork with him. He was hatched in April 4th of 07. The breeder also sent the dna paperwork so he is a male which will make it easier to name him.

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What a wonderful adventure for us to follow. Bless you and your hubby for taking this poor bird in and making his life so much more loved and fulfilled. I know you will love him and care for him forever. Please keep us updated. This is a wonderful story! :cheer:

And karma for you...lots of it!! B)

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Hey luvparrots, it's a great idea to have everyone help name him:woohoo: We have a few that we kind of like but we certainly are open to suggestions. The more to choose from better! We are hoping to find him a name that really suits him. You guys all know his story, now. I will tell you a little more about his personality that we have noticed in the short couple days we've had him.


He is very curious and seems like he has a very mellow easy going nature about him when he is just hanging out. When he gets going he is a clown and likes to hang upside down from his cage and open his wings and kind of do a rocking motion. (He hangs like a bat:laugh: ) He is a big fellow, too, kind of a gentle giant (as long as we don't mess with him too much;) )


Here are some of the names we have been considering. Sampson, Miguel, Travis, Nigel, Stephano, Parker, Lucas & Brady. That's what's in the running so far. We kind of like unusual or people names. I'd hate to think there is a name out there that is perfect for him and us not know about it so please let us know if you like any of the names we have thought of or your suggestions, too. We would appreciate all the input we can get. I really want to give him a name so lets hear all the suggestions. This is gonna be fun. We might use one you guys list or might be from our list, too. Just don't know yet. Ok, lets name that bird!:woohoo:

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OMG, Barnums good too. This is going to fun and am already liking your suggestions ALOT. I think we are going to have great names to choose from.


Brady is a guy on the soap opera we watch (Bo Brady) from Days of our Lives. I even got my hubby watching it now (we tape it and watch during dinner). Also from the same show is Stephano & Lucas.

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Isn't strange that Amazons seen to really love the sound of the Vacum cleaner When I turn mine on Fergie will acually sit on it while I push it around chattering away the whole time just having the time of her life. She can be such a brat at times but then she will do something so indearing that you can't help but love her to death. Fergie likes to get on top of my Kitchen cabnets and chew the wood she knows she not allowed but she pushes her luck to the max. She gets a time out and I no sooner get her out and she p there again. looking down at me and laughing to beat the band. Then after a few moments she perch on my shoulder and rub up against my face and say I love you. and of course all is forgiven. Zons are not easy but they are very special in their own way.

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