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Rabbit Toys for Birds!


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Hi everyone! I just got back from our local pet store. It is very small, slim pickings for birds and pets. We don't have any big pet stores where I live. That's why I tend to buy everything online for my birds.

But I do buy Rabbit toys for my birds. The prices are SO much cheaper, and my birds LOVE the toys I get for them, better than the EXPENSIVE bird toys I come home with.

SO, next time you are in a pet store, check out all the chewable toys for bunnies. Most are safe for birds as well. Below is a picture of what I bought today, nothing here cost more than $6.00.



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What a great idea! I will check out what they have to offer tomorrow when I go to the local pet store.


I dont know about you but when I shop online I always end up spending more than I should have done! I think its the free delivery over a certain amount that gets me!


Thanks for the great money saving idea! Karma coming your way:)



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What's amusing about this to me is that when we first got our rabbit, the pet stores locally had NO rabbit toys: just food and hay etc. So I actually bought our bunny a couple of parrot toys! (He liked them, too...) So it works both ways. I don't know why it hadn't occurred to me to try it the other way around (***duhhhh***) Thanks for turning on the lights in my brain, Penny! B)

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thanks for the idea. I'm going tomorrow to look for new toys. We've on had him for a month and he doesn't play with anything yet. But I have made him a bunch of stuff.Cheaper to make them out of dowels and food coloring than buying them. I even made hima treat box. And the treats are wrapped in paper for him to tear up first. I saw in at the store for 29.85 made him one for about 3.00. But it helps Im very crafty and have the tools to do it with.

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I bought thos same toys that you got in the bird section of my pet store. they where probubly twice the price also next time I look else where for them. that wooden ball with the walnut in it the big one was 8.99 Canadian and the small one was 5.99 can You probubly paid a lot less then I did Tyco loves them she prefers the smaller ones but she destroys them in a day or two the big ones last a long time so they are kind of worth the money.

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Hi there

I noticed that there was a lady on here who had made some "treat toys" with bun cases and string they looked really good

I did buy the hamster kebab stick as mentioned above somewhere.

Keeps Elvis busy for ages and when I hang it from the top of the cage he seems really stimulated by it.

A lot of the toys from the major pet stores are rediculously priced!:evil:

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hmm toys ive spent loads on the so called real macoy for parrots what a waste. on a visit to the local farmshop and a look at the under 3 year olds kiddys toys i got a hoopla game for a pound which Alfie plays with for hours its the simple things that keeps him amused{Nature-00020095}

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I agree on the Hamster, bunny, ferret toys all very useful...also I use a lot of sassy baby toys and the rings you can get for babies not to mention the plastic rope from Home depot, natural sisal string from craft stores and walmart tissue paper and cardboard boxes from craft stores fleece from the sewing shop and small dog rawhide chews...I also have this great book with tons of ideas...it goes without saying to always be careful when you are out looking for craft toy projects...


Parrot toys and Play areas by Carol S. D'Arezzo and Lauren Shannon-Nunn


Below are some more favourites that were purchased and have stood the test of time and still prove popular here...real parrot toys are very expensive as we all know...but these few were totally worth the money...I would love to know if anyone else has tried some of the purportedly indestructible and bullet proof toys and the ones made of polycarbonate




I have the paper shredder...it is actually really cheap to buy paper cash register rolls..watch out what they are made of obviously (goes without saying)




I have the barrel of fun and the rings of fortune they are both really popular here the amazon cant figure out the rings of fortune even though he did the barrel in about 1 minute the first time...the grey loves the rings




crazy leather box..I have a larger size it came with leather but I have refilled it several times.with shredded paper, fleece, and cotton rope, among other interesting things, he the amazon loves this thing

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's Kenya with a toy I got in the bunny section...all my birds love these! They have an almond in the shell inside all the wood so it gives them something to work for. So far none of mine have gotten to the nut.




Lisa<br><br>Post edited by: LisaM, at: 2009/01/19 05:34

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