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It's a boy!


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When I got my AG I was told "we think it is a female, because the clutch mate was larger". I read other visual sexing guides. The eyes looked female, the tail feathers couldn't be used cause it's a Timneh, and the coloration is light underneath. I used all of this info and assumed the previous owner was correct. DNA test came back with shocking news! LOL


I'm happy though. I was finally able to settle on a name. Sterling. =)


BTW when I was reading about the eye differences I found 3 guides. 2 were the same just pages coded by different people, a 3rd on a vet site was backwards. So I was a bit weary anyways.


This might explain why my little Timneh has some red tail feathers.<br><br>Post edited by: ladysadi, at: 2008/11/07 04:45

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Congratulations on your boy, Sterling. After a rocky road, I'm glad that you finally have a grey of your very own. My breeder just laughs at me every time I tell her the characteristics a female or male grey is supposed to have, she calls them all "old wife's tales." As soon as you have a chance to post some pictures we would love to see them. And any and all grey tales are always welcome.:silly:

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You can never say for sure! I also used the visual sexing guide and was totally convinced my middle grey was a female, when I had him Dna'd it was a big shock when he came back a Male!


Congratlations on your lovely boy Sterling. Im a glad this made the name choice slightly easier.:)

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