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heya maria and hey george, you will not believe this but before i started doing my research on greys, i realy wanted toget one and name him george.


I just got the scared my budgey (dave) just went slightly mad :)<br><br>Post edited by: ajay, at: 2008/11/05 01:40

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Hi Alex and welcome to the forum. You have definately come to the right place if you want to learn about greys. There are many knowledgable people here and always willing to answer any questions you may have. There are also many different threads that covers a lot of info on greys. Please feel free to check out all the different threads, if there is something specific you need to know just put it in the search box ats the top of the page and hit the enter key. Hope to hear more from you soon.

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Hey Alex, welcome aboard. I came across this forum a couple of months ago and have been learning alot about greys. I have never owned a parrot of any kind and have opted for a baby Tag which I will be adopting sometime in late November. Check out all the different rooms here and ask any questions you need answers to and the experienced grey owners will be around to help. Good luck in your quest.

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Hello Alex and welcome to the family, so glad you have decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your decision to get a grey.


Please make sure you really want a grey before you actually get one for it is a lifetime committment and I would rather you not rush into it without knowing what you are getting into.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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no, used to have a cockitiel years when i was qwite young, he was ace, he's name was magic... he was special to me... ever since i have wantedto get a parrot. im guesing like all kids do when there young... but i still want one but not just for novelty reasons any more.


but no i havent had a parrot or any bigger birds thats why i am trying to learn as much as humanly possible. x alex x

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Hiya Alex and welcome to the forum.


Its great you are doing lots of research into getting one of these wonderful birds. With the knowledge, time and commitment I am sure you will make a great owner!

Read all you can on the forum before making a decision.


Look forward to hearing more about you.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Alex,


Welcome to the forum. I have two greys now called Ice and Indy. Indy is a baby at 9months and Ice is our rescue at 4years. Both of them are great in there own ways.


You are doing the right thing but researching and Im sure you will find most if not all the advice/answers you need here!



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HI Alex


Welcome to the forum and hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I am new here myself and still working my way through the forum finding my way around.


As everyone has already said and without duplicating it, just make sure you read as much as you can and be 100% certain that you want a grey as they need 24/7 care and if they get used to you being around and then suddenly your routine alters and you find yourself spending lots of time away from the bird there is a possibility it can get stressed. Also remember that they have the brain of a young child (and yes they end up having huge vocabularies) however they are still like little kids and you will find they need lots of attention and your time.


Good luck for when you get your grey and I hope you have lots of fun and laughter together

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