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Male or Female


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I`m searching for a Grey that will be able to handle car rides, walks and bike rides and it just struck me I have not heard any information on the difference between Male and Female Greys... Are males more aggressive, are females more protective... Any feedback will be appreciated. Thank you for your time.

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There are no differences concerning what you mentioned. Like it was just said, it all has to do with personality of each bird. All are different. A young bird should be handled in a certain way by the owner to become a family bird. No one can tell you if a bird you might get is gonna ride on a bike. A bird is usually put in some type of small cage when in the car. Again, the owner must work on getting the bird used to the car. Walking--well, that's not difficult. Many people do that. The only thing that's necessary is a bird harness that has a strap. Then the bird can be walked around the same way as a person walks a dog around. I read your profile. If you mean motor bikes in the woods, forget it. It takes an experienced bird handler to do that. In the woods the bird sees the trees. Need I say more?<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/11/02 23:00

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Shanlung and Tinkerbell are quite well known in the parrot world. He's already written enough material about his travels all over the East, some of which included Tinkerbell. He's a specialized trainer and also works with other species of birds. I may be wrong but I think Tinkerbell is no longer with him. Shanlung has another grey and I assume that he's going to start his unique training all over again.

So, don't be fooled by what you see in pictures. Tinkerbell was very successfully worked with for a very long time by Shanlung. He never tells anyone that what he's done with Tinkerbell can be easily copied. Go to our search forum area above, type in Shanlung and everything is there about he and Tinkerbell. Shanlung is also a member of this board as well many others.

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Tinkerbell belongs to Shanlung, who is a member here. He has known greys all his adult life, and his techniques aren't anything a beginner could pick up. That kind of training comes from years and years of experience and expertise.


As Dave says, it can be done, but not by a first time bird owner.

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I`m still not done researching but after I find out things like who spends more time with the eggs, raises the babies, hunts for food and so on, then I will make my decision. These may seem insignificant to some but in the big picture it all comes together.



Words to live by:


Die for something or live for nothing. (RAMBO)


Let love rule and die trying. (ME)<br><br>Post edited by: MisterT, at: 2008/11/03 04:53

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Shanlung is one of the most experianced avian trainers . He is someone we can only aspire to and respect.His training is way way beyond the wildest dreams of even very experianced grey owners,not for the novice.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/11/03 12:46

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Thank you.


And to all that spoke well of me,


Thank you.


But I think you gave me too much credit. Since I recorded much of what I have done, and in real time as well, checking back on those records will show I was a novice when I first started.


Perhaps I have empathy with creatures. But so will you all, as all you need is to treat them with respect and dignity due to sentients of equal standing.


And treat the training as a journey you travel together with your creatures. Not not you a trainer, and they are trainees.


Both are trainees, and you prepared to learn from them as you want them to learn with you.


Then what I have done, you all can do too if not better.


If you want someone to truly respect and set as a standard, please choose that bird whisperer of Tsaoling as that standard. He is a person whom if I have not known personally, my imagination could not conjure him up. Where reality is indeed stranger than fiction.




The letters on that bird whisperer of Tsaoling


The letters on that bird whisperer of Tsaoling are below in chronological order. They are all in Part 1 - Early Period of Tinkerbell.










The visits covered a period of time as can be seen from the date of the letters. You can see in between the 2nd and 3rd visits the additions to the birds of that bird whisperer.


He, that bird whisperer of Tsaoling, is the man that inspired me the most.




Warmest regards



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Thank you...


Shanlung I`m having a little trouble finding your instructions on how to make a proper harness would you please point me in the right direction.:side:

I don`t even have to look at any commercial harnesses I have seen enough to know that you speak the truth no doubt in my mind...


Thank you for all the extremely detailed and informative documentation you have provided for anyone to read and put to great use, I am just scratching the surface and you sell yourself short, Thats an awesome gift to hand out for FREE...:cheer:


If more people were like you the world be be a cool placeB)

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I found this easy to read article on the net and thought i`d pass it on...

I`m Not trying to say that some of you don`t already know this.






Let love rule and die trying


Die for something or live for nothing.<br><br>Post edited by: MisterT, at: 2008/11/04 03:51

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You have not been the first to say my instruction for doing Tinkerbell harness is hard to find.


There is a lot of things you got to do even before thinking of taking your grey out in harness or making the harness.


It is not a matter of getting just any harness and stuffing a bird in. Not if you want to do

so on a long term basis.


So I 'packaged' that harness making with a lot of necessary background and stuff that should be read.


I am fearful of giving harness making details direct. People will then make that harness and try to stuff their parrot in it and then wail later Tink harness is lousy as it did not work. I do not do as commercial harness out to make money, telling you that as long as you get their harness (and give them lots of $) , you can have a hunky dory time outdoors with your parrot.



Harness will only work within the context of understanding.




This is a road that only you can walk on. This is a relationship with a friend and companion. How to

tell you about friendship is difficult as your personality and your grey personality will be different from me and Tinkerbell.


You should first read this 'summary'.


URL to Summary of Tinkerbell and Guide to the training and harness details here



You can also find that in http://http://www.geocities.com/shanlung9/



How I got into this and the training as well as the details (photo by photo) as how you can make Tinkerbell harness to the exact size of your grey. Commercial harness like you to think that 'one size fits all'. And if not, all kinds of buckles, bows , whistles and kitchen sink can be incorporated into their 'commercial harness' to make it fit.


Tinkerbell harness weigh in at three grams, yes, just 3 grams. I needed a jewelry scale to weigh Tink harness. Other commercial harness do not even hope to come close. And when you read in summary and URLs embedded inside, you know truly how bad bad those other harness can be.


You should also read Tinkerbell Legacy, or Part 2 of Tinkerbell webpage. Perhaps you might find that well worth your time.



That was an interesting article from Pamela Clark you posted. I have lots of respect for Pam.


However, personalities from intelligent sentients vary so much, I hesitate to agree with Pam.


Her characterising of female greys differ vastly from my Tinkerbell. Her charactersing of male differ vastly from my current Riamfada who never seek to try to dominate me or to bite me. He is laid back.


But that said, fids, including M and BP2s and known to be biters had been taken up by me, often to shock of their caregivers.


I felt biters are fearful, and if you do the courtesy of granting them that bit more time, and take note of their likes and dislikes, they will come to you.


Warmest regards


Shanlung<br><br>Post edited by: shanlung, at: 2008/11/04 07:29

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Shanlung, Thank you for the educated information I really apreciate it. I wiil absolutly take the time and read all you have learned and listen to your directions.

You do sound like you are one of those rare peolpe who actually care:cheer:

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My male is not aggresive, but he is still young. I dont think it would matter if it is male or female, as long as you get it from a baby and have him/her socialized and what not :) I personally wanted a male, just because I already had my boy name picked out, and loved it :D

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