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Rikki's New Cage


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Well, I built Rikki's new cage. Her old one was 22x23. Too small for her, but I didn't want to shock her too much when she first came to me 4 months ago. Her new cage is a mansion...it's huge! 32x40x72

(I know...what was I thinking...). I set it up last night, and left it in the room with her cage while she played and slept. Today, I set it up almost identical with her perches like her old cage was.


And then ....I did the unthinkable........I put her old cage in the basement, and just put her in her new cage to bed for the first time. She spent about 5 minutes in it with me talking to her and encouraging her how much fun it was! I don't have a sheet big enough to cover it, but I draped it over the top and she can see out the bottom half. I thought that would be okay since it's all new and scary.....:S


She let out a few peeps after I turned the light out, and said Good night, but she's quiet now. At least she didn't have a tantrum! :evil:


I hope she sleeps okay. She's downstairs, and I sleep upstairs at the other end of the house. I am a little nervous and anxious for her. I hope she does okay. :( I was a Bad mommy, I didn't even let her check it out today. Just, in you go, Good night! :dry: Shame on me. :blush: :ohmy:


I will take pictures of both her cages, and post them tomorrow.

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It's great she's in her new cage and I appreciate you telling us how you did it. I'm sure she will be fine. How could she not love it. She went from a condo to a mansion:laugh: :woohoo: :side: :silly: :side: You could never be a bad mommy, not after getting her a cage like that. :woohoo:


I got Baxter a new cage a few weeks ago and I confess I did the same thing. I thought it would be a process for him to transfer over but I got it ready right in front of his old cage. While I was putting his toys inside I set him on the top perch and he seemed fine. He might have been a little nervous but not scared at all. I finally set him inside on a perch and put some food in his bowl and when he started bobbing his head up and down in approval, I knew he'd be fine:) . I rolled the old cage out too.


I noticed you said you were "inside with her" I remember you gave the dimensions and I know it's a big one but I've got to see a picture of it. I want to see it sooooo bad. Please can we have a picture??? Please Please Please{Feel-good-000200A2}




I<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/11/02 03:10

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Wow Penny, do we get to spank your hands or stand you in the corner?:unsure: :dry: I'll bet you will be checking on Talon several times tonight and not be sleeping to comfortable yourself. You must know Talon very well and know she is very confident and adaptable to change.;) Sweet dreams!:side:

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Thanks guys...NO PICTURES of me!!! :laugh: :laugh:


Well, luvparrots, Talon LOVED it! she was climbing all over it while I was building it. But the new cage is for my other grey, Rikki. Talon has 2 cages, a good size play cage downstairs, and a big sleep cage upstairs in my bedroom. Poor Rikki only had the one small cage downstairs that she came with, so she got the mansion. (of course she is much bigger than Talon tho.) :lol:

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Okay, I did it! I got the pictures!! :woohoo:


Rikki was talking up a storm this am before I got myself out of bed. I usually get her and Talon up around 8:30 or 9 due to our am schedule. Rikki seemed quiet happy today when I got her. I think she loves her new mansion....:) :laugh:


Here is Rikki's new cage:




Here is Rikki's old cage:




And here is Rikki's cage, and Talon's play cage,. You can really see the size difference. Now my kids are feeling sorry for Talon, and think she should have a new bigger cage. :S



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I love it! What a great idea!!


I was kind of embarrassed at the size of her cage at first, but I guess she'll be happy in it. (I'm not the best at picturing and measuring things as you can tell....:S )

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Wow what a nice cage, no wonder Rikki is quite happy this morning and Talon may be a little jealous of her new cage, better fork over for a new bigger one for her too.


She deserves a bigger cage since she has to sleep in it while Talon gets to go spend the night in the room with you, you could have just got her a sleep cage and then she could join you two for the night.


In any case, thanks for sharing the pics of the new "mansion" with us.

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That is a super nice cage!!! And I love the room they cages are in. Very nice!


I can already see cage number 2 coming in:laugh: . I bought Tigger my eclectus a new cage, then felt sorry for Baxter who is top dog/bird around here so went out and bought him a cage 2 weeks later. I kept thinking Baxter deserved the new cage first but Tigger needed a new one more at the time. Only way to solve was get another cage, :laugh:

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Love the new cage.I have not long got charlie a new cage and I had to put him right in it because I had no room to place the cages side by side. I felt sly but he adapted very well.It looks like Rikki is right at home already. I can see Talon having a new cage before long.

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What a fantastic looking cage! Lots of space for Rikki in there thats for sure!


Rikki sounds as though she is well adjusted to the cage!

I wish two of mine would be as easy to change! If I change a perch or a toy we have major sulks for a couple of weeks.


I am glad everything has worked out well and Rikki has a beautiful new Mansion to live in:)



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