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Calling All Americans & Bird Owners!


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This is for all the American members we have here on the forum; Tuesday November 4, 2008 is our election day with this year being a year we elect a new president. I am encouraging each and every American who is registered to vote to do just that and go exercise your right and civic duty to make your voice heard.


I am an election official, which means I work the polls, checking in people who come in to vote, guiding them to the voting machine and making sure the procedures are done correctly and according to the law. I will be working a long day, starting at 5 am to set up before the polls open at 6 am, working throughout the day until the polls close at 7 pm, but then the real work begins. There is a mound of paperwork that has to be filled out properly before any of us can go home which means we have to stay until it is done and sealed up. I have worked the polls for several years now but this is the first presidential one for me and I expect it to be very busy.


Our Registrar has commented that a record number of people have cast absentee ballots which indicate a heavy turnout but if anyone doesn’t vote because they think their vote won’t count they are mistaken. No one should refrain from voting if they are eligible to vote but if you don’t vote then please keep your mouth shut if the person you wanted in office doesn’t make it.


Please get out there Tuesday and make your voice heard!<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/11/05 04:12

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Thanks for the reminder Judy, like we could forget it, with the news and campaign ads we see every 15 minutes TV. ;-)


This is a historical event and there are more voters than ever taking part in this election.


Thats all I'll say though, you know this forum is not for politics. ;-)

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Judy, I won't forget, like Dan said we get reminded every 15 minutes with the ads on TV. I think it is great that you are so involved with the voting process and an elected official. Sounds like a hard days work for sure!!! Karma to you for being such a great American and giving your time for this election.

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I hear ya Dan and Erika and I share your sentiments, no one wants this election to be over more than I for then the mud slinging will be over.


This thread is not political as I an not endorsing either candidate but just urging every American to do their civic duty and vote.


FairY, as far as hoping the best man wins, in this particular election there is no best choice in my opinion, its more a choice of picking the lesser of two evils.

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I agree Judy. there is no Best Man. Just the lesser of too evils, unfortunately. I wonder how it is we end up with that to look forward too. But as Dan said, this is not a place for political discussions.


Back to our birds.....Lucky birds, they just live their days with no worries other than when are we going to feed them junk food and trying to decide how to get at our most prized possesions.......:evil:

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Shelly.....trying to pick a fight? If so, please do it elsewhere. Lately, you seem to log on make a negative comment, and then go POOF! Aren't you here for BIRDS? If that's the case, I would love to see your advice and positive comments towards our members here. ;)




My suggestion is this, if you don't like what you read here, then go visit another room where you will find parrot topics. ;)<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/11/03 15:37

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like i told my children:


'i don't care who you vote for

just be sure you get out and vote'


yes sadly, it is truly the lesser of 2 evils, that's the way it's been for a long long time.


it hardly helps but i've found the best way to learn the success or the failure of a president is only historically. doesn't help make a decision today however unless one can make a connection between a current candidate and an historical figure.

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I have Tuesday off from my evening job, so I'll actually be able to stay home and watch it all unfold. I'm one of the few out there who is excited, I suppose. But it's because I'm former military and my husband is in the military, and I want to know what kind of commander in chief we're bringing in to determine the fate of my husband and our friends.


Additionally, don't forget about the important propositions up for vote as well! I have to admit that I'm looking forward to seeing how those turn out. I can't just check the Gallup polls to see who's for or against this or that in my state, ya know? So it'll be a total surprise.

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I have to agree w/Penny.It is off discussion.Its not that we are talking about which is bets for our country, and stating why then that would be talking politics. Reminders are good.Just leave out the input on whose the better man. (choke, choke)

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I agree with Talon also, this is just a reminder, like many others that have been announced in this area over the years. No "Politics" are being discussed here, but it does seem Shelly may be trying to turn this into an argumentative thread.


There is no reason for that type of comment regarding this topic. If you aren't interested in the Topic of a thread, then why read it? Just move on to something you do find interesting and enjoy your self here.


Thats what we all do, atleast thats how I decide if I want to even read a thread or not.


If you don't believe in celebrating Birthdays, Christmas or Halloween, as some religions prohibit, then just don't read those threads.


This is a community of many peoples, ethnicities,countries and beliefs around the world, and as such, members here share and/or announce different things that are going on in their respective country.

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I wanna learn about whats going on in other countries and I am sure they are interested also. This is a very important time for americans and the world in general. This is huge for us and the decisions being made at this time will infact touch all in different ways.


This is a OFF TOPIC room and I have been surprised no body has mentioned this election yet!! I can definatly see arguments if we went into the issues at hand cause everyone has a different outlook on things as we are a very diverse group but I do not think it so unbelievable that this very very important time for America has been brought up. This was a reminder of a date to do whats important and that all!!

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Thanks everyone who posted about this thread not being political, it wasn't meant to be but some would like to make a statement with it.


This is in the off topic room and as such it does not have anything to do with birds but then that is why I put it here. Even if you don't live in the USA a lot of people worldwide do care and are curious about what happens here.


If you don't like the thread no one is forcing you to read it, go on to another one, in fact feel free to go to another forum if you don't like the way things are here.

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I'm glad to say that (1) I will vote tomorrow and (2) I will not be voting for the lesser of two evils. I believe in my candidate, and I am glad to cast my vote. I am lucky - the school where I go to vote is 3 doors down from my house, so I only have to slip out a little before 7:00 am, pop in and vote, then pop home and go about my day (getting myself and my son to work & school) as usual.

I am excited this week - this country is in desperate need of a breath of fresh air!

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