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Good idea's to teach your bird the meaning of "not to, or no"


As well most people know scolding never works. Nor yelling or telling them no really. They will just go on doing whatever they please.


Spray bottles are also in fact NOT a good idea. Birds usually love water, with an exception of mine.. and you don't want them to learn that water means something bad.


And of course you can't hit them, that's a clear no duh.


When I got my CAG they had told me that if he is bad I was to warn him with "Your gonna get a ticket" well adjusting to his new home. That didn't work, and untimately it lead up to putting him in his cage and covering it. Which I would if he acutally cared he was getting put away. He just strolls down to the bottom of the cage and lifts the bottom tray with his beak so it clashes down against the metal and makes a loud noise. He usually does this to get what he wants. Generally I don't give in. Unless I was sleeping -_____-;


So besides all of that when he's being "bad" trys chew on the phone or speakers.. I hit my hand down on my desk.. works to get his attention but he goes right back on doing it. If he bites me I either put him in his cage or lightly tug on his tail feathers. But I want a new way of telling him no, because caging him doesn't work and I don't want him to start getting scared of me scratching his back or even going near his tail if he thinks it's punishment.



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Guest Monique

I have never tried to teach my birds to not chew on something. Instead I try to keep them away from the things they are not supposed to chew on. I guess I've always felt it a natural thing for them and so it's never been a priority for me.

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I'm with Monique, but would expand with this - you might try some chewing distraction ... redirect your grey to things he/she is allowed to chew on - birdie safe toys, leather, wood, bird puzzles ... make a big fuss over all the good things to chew on, while exhibiting bored but stern NO's with things that are off limits. Redirection has worked wonders for me, I hope it offers you a little peace :-)

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Hi, I have a Quaker Parrot and he sometimes gets a little naughty. When he wants it his way and he won't get it he will do anything from chewing my purse,cellphone,papers and he will even start chewing my hair... What i usally do is tell him a simple no by pointing my finger to his peak. No birds likes that at all. Then I'll get him in the cage... I know it works because he starts yapping and his feathers are all spiked up... 10 Minutes later I'll take him out and say good kiko... There it goes back to normal with lots of kisses and hugs...

It worked for me not sure if it works for you. It's just my way...;)

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Yadel that sounds interesting. I think I will try that.



Also distracting him is a great idea once I figure out what bird toys he will take because right now he's only interested in things he CAN'T have. Phone, cellphone, keys, speakers, monitor.


I've tried giving him basically anything around he is allowed to play with. If we give him something ANYTHING he know he CAN have he throws it down. He may come back to it later but usually doesn't.

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I'm with Monique on this one. Harrison would love nothing more than to chew up the remote control to the TV. I make sure all remotes and anything looking like a remote is put away and he has plenty to chew on. I use colorful tongue depressors, Chinese finger traps, wooden blocks, rawhide..etc. He didn't like the rawhide at first. I put a piece in some fruit juice and he loved it...now he chews on it like crazy...no fruit juice needed anymore. :P

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Yep, Moddy - you got to hide things he is not supposed to chew on. Although I can imagine there are some things that are not that easily to hide.


Strange... I always thought the 'ignore' (by puting him in the cage without showing any attention while doing so) worked :unsure:

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They are just like little kids. If you don't want them to get into something you need to either remove it, or don't place the Gray where it can get at something. To them the world is a toy.

Gem bit thru my mouse cord in one bite...Time to go cordless.


You might try placing a small toy on the desk to distract him. Or, get a small perch for the desktop.<br><br>Post edited by: linus, at: 2007/05/04 12:46

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