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I've googled for pictures of it (since I never heard of it) - and I think something like that can be easily made by yourself using a few branches, no? :S

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Guest Monique

This is the cheapest I have found. I think someone on this site put this link out a while ago... : http://manzanita.com/perches2.htm.


The upside is that these perches will last you (literally) forever. So it is a good investment if that is what you want to buy. You can get a cage-top perch that will "act" like a gym for you cheaply. Or you could take one of these tree branches and make your own base for it (thus your own gym) pretty reasonably too if you've got a bit of mechanical skill. I myself haven't any :( and I agree the play gyms are expensive ... I don't know why.

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I have a smaller one for my fid's to play on. It is about 5 feet tall on a large base with casters. It has eyelets to attach toys to and stainless steel food and water dishes. Two of my grays love the tree. Linus is terrified of it for some reason.

When I say "Small", the pet store I go to had one that was 10 to 12 feet tall.

The one I got was around $250.00 .

Monique is right...these trees will last a long time. Mine has lasted 3 months so far. With Gemini on it every day, that is a record. He has destroyed every toy I have gotten him in a week or less.<br><br>Post edited by: linus, at: 2007/05/02 09:56

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Thank you!! :)


It's keeping her quite busy I see :P


Also, I like her punk-hairdo (sorry, this IS a complimen, because I really like it)

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Lol, thanks FairY! I never thought of it that way, a punk hairdo. It is all natural. Gemini likes to lunge at the camera. He is quite the hand full. :evil:


I wanted to post a better picture of the tree but I discovered I need to recharge my camera first.


Marir, I hope you live close enough to one of those PetLand stores to get a tree. It took over a month to get Gemini to trust the tree enough to get on it. I had began to think I had waisted $250.00 on something none of my fid's would use. Then his favorite kind of toy won him over.

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It's a really nice tree, it looks like he's enjoying it. I guess all African grey's are cautious. It'll be worth it in the end...of course I think it helps having Sammie the curious sunconure, because if the girls see him trying something, they have to do it too.

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I can't wait to find Petland, we're going Sunday to pick up another cage, to separate the girls, we think they're bonding too much:( and if one is out playing the other has to be right beside her.

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So, you've made the decision :)


Good for you (and them, I think) - we'll hear Monday how they are taking it?

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