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Picture of Timneh chicks, 1 week old


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Hi everyone! I have been blessed with two new African grey Timneh chicks from one of my pairs. I was able to snap a photo yesterday, the oldest is 8 days old and the youngest is 6 days old. You can only see the head of the oldest one in this picture. I will keep you updated as they grow... two weeks to go and I'll be a busy momma bird... babies4n5c.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Lyric, at: 2008/10/27 16:23


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Thanks everyone, I'm really excited about it, I must say! I'll be interested to see how Lyric reacts to the new babies. He was the only chick in his clutch that hatched so he wasn't raised around other birds. I don't expect he'll be too pleased- :evil: Sharing my affections with another isn't his strong point.


The mother and father are doing just great. They don't seem nervous at all and papa is just keeping so busy eating and feeding both momma and the babies. I don't intrude on them too much but check inside the nest box when she leaves to get a treat maybe about every other day. She was surprisingly much more defensive when they were just eggs, hardly even leaving the box even to get one of her favorite treats. She takes a few more breaks now and seems excited and happy about the whole venture. I really couldn't ask for a better pair.

I will update this thread as I have more pictures-it really is quite a miracle watching them grow.

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16 & 18 days old. Getting bigger! The skin is beginning to show the greyish cast that is the pin feathers starting to develop underneath. The eyes are just now beginning to slit open. My, how they change from one day to the next.


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I started handfeeding on Saturday. They are both doing just great. It took a couple of feeds for them to catch on but now they have it figured out. Here's a picture from Sunday at 23 & 21 days old. They just got done eating and are a bit messy but I had to share the photo because you can already see their personalities coming through...dscn0314.jpg

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You siad you will start feeding them your self at 3 weeks of age. Do you remove them from the nest/ cage that the parents are in? or do you just help the momma and pappa feed them. Sorry i know nothing about baby birds. The first picture, I saw I thought how can anyone say they are cute ... I couldn't even tell which end was what. But the last picture stole my heart seeing the one laid across its sib. That was cute.At what age do they open their eyes.

Oh congrats. and good luck

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