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Ideas for a bored grey


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Sooo I spend lot's of time on the computer doing... whatever.. And I take my gray in here with me so he's not alone sitting on his cage and well he loves spending time with me. But spending time with me isn't just enough nowa days. He sits on top of my monitor and has had a habit of tipping over glasses with whatevers in them. That was a simple soultion, move the glasses away and anything else he would try to get. Including scooting my monitor closer so he couldn't cut through the web cam cord or get things that were on the shelf behind him. Anyways.. He has a a certain interest in my tooth brush.. That I keep in my room on my little quick grab shelf. He's been chewing all the grip off the handle and that's been fine for awhile though I can't stand the chunks of grip flying everywhere and getting into my keyboard since i'm OCD and I keep my keyboard clean. Anyways he's lost interest in that and now keeps throwing it on the floor. He is one of the pickest birds i've ever had. We offer him lot's of things to play with but his old owners spoiled him to much, let him get away with pickey behavior. Especially with food but none the less we're working on that. Sooo I was wondering if anyone knew any toys that AREN'T that messy that he can sit and CHEW on not play with while he's on my monitor until I can get a parrot stand?

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Guest Monique

I think the whole fun of the chewing is breaking the pieces off so non-messy ... I don't know of any good chew toys that are non-messy. My birds all like ringing a bell.


I got a parrot stand at Dr F&S for $40 that is table-top. My personal opinion - don't spend a lot of money on one. They're going to go to the top perch and sit there (for the most part). Off-hand, I don't know where they sell them at but I know you can get perches that sit on two acrylic triangles and then you can pretty much put that any where w/a piece of paper or newspaper underneath.


What other birds have you had? He sounds like a normal little grey to me, obviously acting like somewhat of a brat for you right now :P .

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I totally disagree, he is an African Grey CHILD...if he's not making a mess or "destroying" things, I'd be worried. They love to shred stuff, does you grey have toys to play with...I agree with Monique get a play stand and put a plastic mat down and then give him stuff to tear up, rip up and eat....I had given my babies a ring box lastnight, they played on the floor fighting over it, running with the lid, and putting holes in it...anything they can shred or tear is a great toy.

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Oh no I know what he is doing is normal behavior and he can do that on or in his cage all he wants to but when theres flying chunks of things falling all over my work place then it's not so fun so I wanted to see if there were any good toys that would keep him happy that he well can destroy but maybe it's easier clean up and little peices can't fall into my keyboard.

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someone said to give a toothbrush to them, but I read yesterday that the nylon bristles were very dangerous for birds...that the bristles can get stuck in the crop and cause serious infection/complications...

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My bird completely tore my toothbrush up, and I still use it cause he's never interested in the useable end so meh, had no problem with that except the grip he was throwing everywhere.



@ HeatherStrella I was thinking about making my own stand but I don't know where to start.


Right now the monitor is the best thing, but he trys to get his beak under the frame and it's damaging to him and the monitor.. Well right now he's trying to eat the decorations off it. I've tried giving him a clip which he didn't care for what so ever. Along with the plastic from my straightner which I thought he would have fun with but nope. So i'm thinking I need to get really creative.. Cause he's just to picky.

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Maybe he'll be showing more attention for his toys when you show attention for his toys. I get the feeling that he wants to play with whatever you are busy with. Isn't there some kind of a 'portable playgym' available or something you could place on your desk?

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  • 1 month later...

I have to say yes he is being the average grey.I find mine loves to shred his paper after I clen his cage.His cage is near the large picture window I have and he loves to eat the edges of the curtain I have found.His latest trouble(lol) is he climbs on the top of his playgym and there are 2 bowls up there for him,one for food and treats and one for water.He takes his water dish tips it sides way and dumps out the water.Then laughs..:) He has toys like you can not believe but he loves to fly to me when I am on the laptop on the couch and see what I am doing which thens ensues him getting into some kind of trouble.The average grey.Just like a kid.

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Moddy wrote:

Sooo I was wondering if anyone knew any toys that AREN'T that messy that he can sit and CHEW on not play with while he's on my monitor until I can get a parrot stand?


You can easily make your own parrot stand. Just go to any home improvement store and buy PVC pipes, and the various angle pieses that allow you to join the ends together.


All you need is a saw and PVC glue. Just make sure you glue the pieces out side, and wait a few days for the fumes to disipate before letting your bird use it.


Just an idea since you mentiond getting a stand.

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I got the instructions from a book called "Parrot-Toys and Play Areas : How To Put Some Fun Into Your Parrot's Life" by Lauren Shannon-Nunn and Carol S. D'Arezzo. I've made a couple of modifications since the pictures too. The cohesive bandaging is great in theory (makes the perches comfy), but less so in practice (it gets grungy looking fast). We made a fabric covering that goes over the criss-cross base so that it can be taken off and washed (we still have the bandaging underneath so the perches aren't slick). I also replaced the 6 perches (the spiral staircase and the 3 perches with the cups) with natural tree branches.


EDIT: I'm having an upper GI tomorrow morning :(. Hopefully this will be the last test I have to have for awhile. Now if they would just give me some good medicine, because the stuff they have me on now ain't working :(.<br><br>Post edited by: spookyhurst, at: 2007/06/21 08:29

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spookyhurst wrote:

I got the instructions from a book called "Parrot-Toys and Play Areas : How To Put Some Fun Into Your Parrot's Life" by Lauren Shannon-Nunn and Carol S. D'Arezzo.


Thanks spookyhurst, I ordered my copy of this book can't wait for it to come should take about 3 - 4 weeks to get to South Africa.

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LunaBaby wrote:

Wow nice playstand! I think I'm going to need that book as well! On another note.. not sure if this helps but my baby loves straws. She will chew on them for hours and they don't make a mess. Good luck! :silly:


Now that's a fantastic idea! I'm gona get me a bag of straws!

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Guest briansmum

i agree with everyone, you need to invest in/make a playstand, that way your grey can be in the room with you but still have his own space to be as messy as he likes. i made the mistake of letting my grey sit on my laptop. he has now pulled all the little rubber things off and has taken a few keys once or twice. it is best to keep them off your workspace, and best to alter what he is used to as soon as possible before he gets more settles in it.

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I have a perch like that with the acrylic triangles, a perch and it also has a food/water cup. I love it because it's very light, I can take it to any room and just sit it on newspaper. Angie loves it and it also files down her nails.


By the way, I bought it at Petco and PetSmart also carries them. It's worth the money and may I add it's not very expensive either.<br><br>Post edited by: raehamilton, at: 2007/06/21 15:37

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great information everybody! as for toys, we've found that sometimes the simplest things work best. A soda bottle-cap, for instance. Or an old paperback novel for her to shred. Also, lots of baby toys. We were at Bracken's Bird Farm in Redlands, CA, not long ago, looking through their bird toys, and the lady pulled us aside and suggested we just check wal-mart for baby toys. They're made with non-toxic (to humans anyway) materials, and they're really cheap. And as long as you use common-sense when choosing them, that's a favorite way to go. Ponti has a bendable worm/rattle that she loves, as well as a plastic set of keys on a keyring, and a plastic phone with buttons that play different sounds when you press them. Keeps her entertained for hours. Just make sure the toy is safe for them to tear apart, because that's what their ultimate goal is, anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank's everyone I will talk to my dad about making a stand :P Cause well he need's one. Tired of cleaning "waste" off the back of my monitor.. and having all my decorations chewed off of it lol. And Lunababy thanks for the straw idea it worked for a minute then he threw it down but i'm sure he will want to chew on some more later. Right now he's streching as far as he can off my monitor to bite through my mouse cord.... lol... oh goodie!!

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Our grey kira loves to destroy pens. we often buy a box of inexpensive pens, pull out the ink then place them in a "special" container. the more we tell kira not to touch them, the harder she works to destroy them. this can keep her busy for days on end

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