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introducing a new perch


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Hey everyone! I got Malibu a new perch to add to his cage. Well needless to say, he does not like it at all. He is deathly afraid of it. Up until this point, I have not had any problems introducing anything to him and he was always anxious to get new toys. What do I do? Help please!! I tried showing it to him and holding it and he just backs away and he even flew away at one point. Today is only the first day I got it so do I just keep showing it to him until he actually gets on it?

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Did you put it in his cage or just show it to him? The reason I ask, is if I just walk at my Grey with a perch in my hand and present it to him, he does not like it at all. But it's fine inside the cage, where it belongs. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/25 20:16

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He might not take to the perch for a while. That applies to newtoys, new bowls, complete moving around of the cage interior etc. Congos are well known of being extremely leery of new things no matter what it is. Once they do take to it, it's their property and don't appreciate people messing around with *his/her* belongings that are located in his/her *home* (cage).

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Alcazar is the same way Dan.WHat I have to do is play w/ a toy or w/e infront of him ex. perch I play w/it like a baton for two days.Then the day I put it in his cage.I place him in another room so he cant see me place the item in his cage.Once I do I bring him back put him in his cage and let him discover it on his own. So far so good w/ that.

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Oliver has a ladder that he despises-he doesn't like it in any room, in any cage-he simply does not like that ladder-so it will go to some other deserving bird who does. So far, that's the only thing he doesn't like-and it's made out of the same materials as a couple of his other favorites-go figure.

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be patient and leave it in the room with your grey in his view and he'll build trust. I built this stand from pvs where i always made it of wood and he was freaked by it. Left it in his room for a week or so and then tried again and he slowly loves it and now hangs upside down on it. I think he's part bat i tell you

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Charlie hates new things. It takes me weeks to get him to accept them. I usually just leave it hanging round for a few days then I play with it and eventually I can hang a new toy on the outside bottom of his cage. I can then gradually move it up the cage untill he beaks it through the bars. Then it is safe to put in his cage. Greys are well known for their hate of allthings new.

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