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Missing Grey in Richmond,BC


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oh no I'm so sad to here this is he fully flighted or clipped if he's flighted he could be miles away. I hope they find him I live in the lower mainland so this is close to home for me. Its so cold at night now I hope he's ok I have had frost on my windshield a couple of mornings so far I know one morning it was only 2 degree above freezing thats to cold for a parrot thats used to a nice warm house. I hope hes found some kind of shelter at night. please keep us posted make sure she puts adds up on all the free post advertizings on the web as well as in the sun, province, buy & sell Press, and any local papers as well as any vets that are in that area and if he flighted I would probubly call all the vets in the lower main land also has he got a band on and does she know the number. I know what its like to lose a pet some one stole my 9yr old prize shith-zu that I had since he was 5 weeks old. so I know she must be just beside herself. she has to do as much as she can if she wants to have any hope in getting her Beautiful baby back.

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Ok, I found the post by the owner of how Ajax was found. :-)



---The greatest news parronts could hear ---


this morning around 10am we got a call from the SPCA!!!!!!!!!!!


we were in tears when we heard that someone have found our boy! we didn't even eat our breakfast... the food arrived at the table and we paid and left to get his carrier and off we went to a guy's place

to pick up our boy boy


so here's the story ---


a guy went out to his front porch for a smoke (he usually never goes out the dront)saw ajax across the street on the gutter of town house. realized that he wasn't a ordinary wild bird (ajax was whistling)he spent 20 mins tryign to get him down from the town house roof


then he flew off to a nearby tree the guy, named chris

called his wife (who was heading back home from work) told her what was happening.the both of them kept on whistling and ajax kept on whistling back.


anywho he finally flew down to the wife's shoulder and they walked with him on her shoulder back to their house they foudn him last nite

wanted to call the spca but they were closed


so they called this morning..and the spca called us and we called him(funny story is that when chris called; he was told nobody reported a misisng parrot)


i guess they had to re-check their records.


anyways we are so relieved that's he's ok

with the exception that he's hungry and tired.


we are so relieved he's home.

mark and i are truly the happiest ppl ever to be alive to find out "boy boy"


i would also liek to thank everyone who gave us support and help.


here is a map of where he was lost and where he was found...we were really far off when we were scouring the neighbourhood

AJAXLOSTFOUND.gif<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/26 17:39


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I am so happy everything worked out for Alex and his family, I love a story with a happy ending.

And I guess we should all be happy that there are people out there like Chris and his wife that would go the extra mile for our feathered friends.


Carolyn & Mika

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I am so happy they got him back I have a lump in my throat after reading Dans post got tears of joy running down my face.It so nice to know there are still some people out there that care. I have been praying forAjax ever since he went missing I'm so glad he was found last night it was so cold last night it went down below freezing at least Ajax found himself a nice warm house to stay in. After being pet they sure don't like being out there trying to fend for themselves I've heard allot of story's about parrots landing on shoulders or porches so they can find a human to take care of them and help them get back home.

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This is a great story and I guess it goes to show that you should never give up hope when a pet is lost. Thank goodness for Chris and his wife and they deserve all the good karma they have coming to them for helping to rescue poor Ajax. I hope his people will be especially careful with him from here on out.

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