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New Ceasar Photos


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Hi everyone. Following a near escape by Ceasar into the beautiful Florida landscape I decided to CLIP him once again. I was so sorry I had to do this to him but it was just to dangerous to have him able to fly. My kids are in and out of the sliding doors in the room where Ceasar hangs out I had to do something.


Anywhy.. One of the by-products of having him clipped it my ability once again to take him outside. Ceasar LOVES being outside in the Florida Sun. So today I had him out while I enjoyed my morning coffee. It was such a beautiful day too. He LOVED it.. Believe me, I can tell.


The light was beautiful for taking pictures so out came my Nikon and click click click I went. I wanted to share these with you. Its been quite some time since I last posted photos of Ceasar.. So without taking any more of your time reading this, here he is.








Quite the clown in this one.









There ya go. I hope you like them. I'll get some more posted real soon. :)



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I love them, Ceasar is a good subject and you take excellent pictures of him, he does look like he enjoys the outdoors, thanks for sharing them with us.


And btw, glad you have found some time to get on and participate in this forum that you helped make into what it is today, a wonderful place for all grey owners to come to share and chat.:)

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Wow your pics are beautiful!! He looks like he is really enjoying his time outside. I have one question for u. The tip of his beak looks like the top layer is broken off?? That happened to Malibu about 3-4 weeks ago. Does that beak ever grow back or what happens to it?

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Hi Frank, I've only been a member less than a month, don't even have my grey yet, but I have been reading all though the posts and find you sprinkled here and there. It seems you are a great part of this forum's great success and I want to thank you. That being said, I'm glad to hear that you kiboshed Ceasar's Great Outdoor Adventure, thank God you were diligent. And gosh what beautiful photos of Ceasar. I can't wait to see more. You need to stop by more often. You are missed. :cheer:

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Hi Luv,


Wow what a wonderful post you write me. I appreciate it very very much. While I did have some part in building this place to what it is I can not take more then a small amount of credit. You see, the reason this place is what it is, is because of the members. You see, I believe Grey Owners are amoung the best group of considerate and caring people in the world. When you put people like that together in one place the result is... well... It's what we have here. :)


When you look at this place you can also attribute it's success to the excellent staff of Admins and Moderators we have. God only knows what this place would look like if we didn't have the group of people we have running things. It allows me to "take off" like I have when I know Talon and her staff of moderators at dedicated to keeping this place what is is..


It is good to type here once again. I can tell you, relocating your entire life to a state 1100 miles away from "home" isn't or wasnt easy.


As Bon Jovi says "You can take the boy from his home but you can't take the home from the boy" Thats me exactly. I miss NYC and everything it was to me.


Anyway. Thanks again to you for your wonderful post.



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Hi Dan.


Good to read ya. :)


I think I've picked just about the worst time to start a small business. Know what I mean? Things have been rocky to say the least.. But I do believe I won't fail. Afterall, I'm from NY and you know that song Frank Sinatra once sang right.. B) B)



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Raiderbabe wrote:

Wow your pics are beautiful!! He looks like he is really enjoying his time outside. I have one question for u. The tip of his beak looks like the top layer is broken off?? That happened to Malibu about 3-4 weeks ago. Does that beak ever grow back or what happens to it?


I think Judy already answered this for you.. YES, the beak grows back. Ceasars has been growing "back" for some time now. Its normal.. I do believe Ceasar does need a slight trim but I'll leave that as a last resort.



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You're welcome Frank, and every chance I get I try very hard to tell the moderators and other administrators how much I love this forum and their efforts to see that things grind smoothly. The whole forum family is spectacular. Hey, I'm going to need all the help I can get when I finally get my TAG!!!:cheer: :silly:

Edited by luvparrots
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He is really beautiful isnt he? And my favourite is the mouth open wide one too ;)


I have done the relocation thing across the Atlantic Ocean (and back again) and I know exactly what you mean. Life will settle in a new normality for you soon I hope!



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Hi Frank !!! Glad to see you stopped by.You're missed bunches!!! <BIG HUG>... Wonderful pics of Ceasar.Thanx for sharing.Even though Alcazar's wings are clipped Im sooo terrified to let hyim go out. Again glad you stoped in and hope you stop in alot more. Good luck on the business. I'm sure you will do good.

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Ceasar looks so beautiful! He's so handsome and strong looking, just like.........well, can't say that here.........this is a Family Forum..........:P :P


As usual, and as I expected Frank, your photo's are better than ever. :) B) :kiss:

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