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I'm thinking of re-naming Harrison


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I wish I would have had her DNA tested when we first got her and then I would have named her a female name from the start. But, the breeder was sooo sure she was male. Oh well, we can't go back. But, I've decided I want to re-name her a female name. I've come up with a few names and I'd like your opinions about them.


1. Sophia..I'd probably end up calling her Soph, Sophi, (once HARRISON is out of my head...lol)

2. Carolina...I just really like this name

3. Gabriella...Gabby for short, she's such a talkative little birdy.

4. Emily...Emma or Em for short.


These are kinda old fashioned names...which I like. I also like names ending in 'Anna'...like Maryanna...but NOT Maryanna. lol. Do you have any suggestions? Or do you like one of the 4 above? For those of you who have never seen or heard Harrison, I'll provide a link to her album. There are a ton of photos and some audio links that you can listen to.




Thanks so much for your help...



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I changed my greys name from Homie to Baxter when I got him in July 08 and he was 12 years old at the time so I totally understand. He is doing fine with it, too.


I did like Harrison though but If you like tha anna part, how about Hanna? Its kind of close to Harrison, too:)


Sophia was nice,too.


Please let us know the new name. This is exciting:)

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Harrianna? That's too funny! As far as Lucy, I had a cat named Lucy...I had her for 13 years...I couldn't do that. But I do love that name!! I was also thinking about the name AnnaBelle or AnnaBella. But with my last name, Strella, lol I don't know. AnnaBella Strella. LOL. I've asked some of my friends and they've all said Sophia is their favorite. One of the reasons I want to change her name is I'm sick of having to explain why she has a male name. And no matter how much I explain, people still say HE or HIM...but still, if I do change her name, I'll probably end up saying (here on the forums) this is "female name" blah blah blah...then say that she used to be named Harrison so that people will know who she is and that she's not a new bird or whatever. Make sense? I just don't know what to do. I do like JulieAnna too..Hanna, no, there are too many Hannas out there that I know. Christiana, too close to my cousin's name, Christina. Maybe HARRIANNA is the best..lol. I'm kidding. Someone suggested Allison...but I know an Allison/Ally and I don't like her!! lol. Mrs. Harrison is good too...The school where I work, the new lunch lady who works there is Mrs. Harrison...but she's cool, I wouldn't mind calling H Mrs. Harrison.


Really, when I'm talking to Harrison, I call her things like baby, sweet girl, little girl, terms of endearment..but she still knows and says her name. I don't think it would be that hard for her to learn a new name, though. Oh well, I guess I have some thinking to do!!! Thanks for all the suggestions!



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judygram wrote:

I like Gabriella with the Gabby for short but then thats my opinion.:P


If you change her name then you will have to change your signature too:whistle:


I think I need to get a few more birds so I can use all these names I like!!! :) Think my hubby will go for that one? LOL.


I know about the signature part. I'd love to just have a lil picture of her with NO fricken explaination!!! Maybe just "formerly known as Harrison" and that's it.



Harrison is definately not a creature who should have "missy" in her name...lol...she's a rough and rowdy lil thing. I don't like Harriet...I assume that's what you meant...or did you mean Harret? Although, Miss H. doesn't sound bad.


Thanks, guys, for your input!

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Heather, I really kind of liked Harrison's name and the whole story behind it, but if you really want to change it, by all means, it's your baby- change her name! I like Sophie, Gabriella, or Annabella. Having her first name rhyme with her last won't be that bad, greys like words that rhyme. Why don't you ask the sweet girlie and see if she has an opinion? Well, let us know what you decide so we know what to call her!

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Ok, well lets see..


You could tell people that your bird discovered that she was a lesbian. You could say that eventually she met up with other like birds and decided that she wanted to be of the male persuasion. So, in order to complete the picture she decided to name herself Harrison. You could tell people that she lived the part extremely well.

Then, you can tell people that she traveled cruising different areas and then met up with another bird of the same persuasion EXCEPT that this other bird lived and acted and she appeared to be much more of a butch And Harrison liked her alot and then you can tell people that she decided to rethink her situation and finally came to the conclusion that she would act out the female role. Then you can tell people that she decided to rename herself something feminine in order to complete the picture. Makes sense, right? Everyone's happy, you, Harianne and the people who kept asking the questions. Problem solved.

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