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Sleeping boxes?


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Or roost boxes, I suppose...


I flipped through a book at work today that recommended having a roost box for your grey to sleep in. Does anyone here do this?


I have noticed how much Starbuck likes to crawl under newspaper or a blanket and just sit for longest times -- I tried a happy hut in her cage but I think it may be too small for her to like it much.

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I don't have one for my Grey but I do for My Irn and one of my conures I think it depends on each bird weather they like them or not. when I get a new bird I always put a happy hut and a roost box in thir cages if they use either one I leave them in there if they don't then I take them out after about a month. My Conure has a happy hut that he actually lay's down in and streaches out to go to sleep every night its very cute. my Indian ring neck sleeps inside a old 12 pack pop box lined with paper towels. all my other birds don't use them. If you think your bird would enjoy something to sleep in then try something other than his happy hut and see if he uses it.

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No I dont use one for my grey. My tiel adores getting under the newspaper for a nap and I think he would love one. The tiel also when in the aviery goes in to the sleeping part of the aviery through a little door and sleeps in a hollowed out coconut that is hanging up.Does any one know if sleep boxes cause nesting behaviouir? They seem like a sort of nest box, but then I dont see it as a bird would.

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I was going to buy Alcazar a happy hut until I found a post that someone's Timneh was injured by one.Thyey found him hanging upside down threads were got caught on the foot and the Timneh chewed good portion of its foot and two toes.I thad to have 50 stitches to repair its foot. I have the website but I dont know how to post links.

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I have just read the link fairymyst sent and will not be using any man made sleeping huts.Charlie would not use one any way and Cracker is happy with his paper and coconut shell.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/10/17 21:24

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I have read stories about things lie this. I regularly inspect Talon's hut for anything that may hurt her, or cause her to get tangles. I think if you are very cautious and careful, then it can be safe if they like it.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/10/19 04:17

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I decided to get my fids the Happy Hut.Jumbo size.Im feeling guilty that its getting just a chill in the family room.I bought 2.I got the green hoping to get 2 greens but the the baby blue and pink came.I got them out and Alcazar was fine w/ the blue pink one but when he saw the green one his pupils got small and his feathers went up.I was hoping he liked the green.I figured since hes mostly with me I can make sure hes fine and for the Delilah and Dakota someone can check on them. I will be inspecting them alot!!.

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I do not have sleeping box for Angel either

However she does have a sleep perch.

All mine have one and use them. I place them high in the cages where they can sleep comfortable and away from stuff no toys near it..

I know when they are on them they want to be left alone

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