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Fernando, the caretaker!


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When I am not at home, the parrots are roaming free in my living room. ( except Asterix, the rosella, who is a little too agressive and is in a large cage during my absence). My neighbour comes to walk the dogs every day, and when she comes, she is welcomed by Fernando, sitting at the window. Fernandoraam1a.jpg


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Of course they do! My living room looks quite messy... The alternative is putting them in cages, but I hate to have them all day in separate cages just for the sake of my furniture. So I give them cardbord boxes, willow and elder branches and old telephone books and pine cones to chew on, put the computer on a classical station, turn on one light in the corner and go to work. Of course all wires are hidden in pvc tubes or heavily taped, otherwise I couldn't have them free all day safely. This way the damage is limited, they are happy and I'm happy because they are. I have no partner, so it doesn't matter too much what my living room looks like.

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Love Love Love the pictures. What a great oppertunity to let your birds have complete access. My birds are out most of the day, however they must be put in their places when I leave. I know I couldn't leave them all alone w/o supervision since they dont get along for the most part. Your lucky to have a happy social flock that enjoys each others close companionship.

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Love the pictures.No way could I leave my two out when I am not in.I just know it would be a disaster waiting to happen.My tiel is like a guard dog,he shouts at the top of his voice when anyone comes up the drive.He really hates the post man and goes crazy when he sees him.Who needs a pit bull.

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Great pictures! Who needs a guard dog when you have got a grey!

My three would cause a riot, they make enough mess when Im in never mind if I left them when they went out!

The youngest two dont get on so well so wouldnt be able to anyway.

Love all your pictures, keep them coming. Karma to you:)

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thats pretty neat that they can just hang in the living room all day, i wish i could do that with my birds, but i have a roaming cat and my grey scares the cat and im afraid someone will get hurt, im sure it will be the cat jacked up though cause for some reason when i have my birds out he hides in the other room under the bed lol. if i didn't have the cat and my husband i sure would do that

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