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fireworks good or bad for pets


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How do you feel when it comes to fireworks night.Personally I hate it for the animals who are very frightend my grey Sparky is not to bad nor is Charlie the amazon parrot but my west highland terriers well that is another matter to sedate them or not.I am for fireworks under control or an event with them under supervision.Where we live the young ones get them from shops and it starts next week here until the end of november and it is bad,all the animals must be scared from them but what can we do for them.:angry:

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I hate fireworks. They can really stress animals out.My grey Charlie is not too bad and the tiel does not even flinch.I always make sure to close blinds and have the tv on a bit louder than normal.I know a person who has to get a tranquelizer for her dog,she gets so upset. I think they should only be allowed in organised displays. How must wild animals and birds feel.The kids round hear get them from shops which I feel should be banned.I too hate it when they start off weeks before.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/10/13 21:20

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She, I totally agree with you, they should be at displays only.

The fireworks have started round here already and will go on for weeks! I also leave the telly on a bit louder but you get the idiots letting them off at 2oclock in the morning!

I am just hoping the greys will be ok.

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Where my parents live they had fireworks going off.WHat my parents did was put the animals in rooms w/either there pet beds, toys or w/e to keep them cozy and comfortable then turned the stereo on to our favorite music(country) this way it helped sound out the fireworks, checked up on the pets time to time.They done well.

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Here in Holland there's only fireworks around New Year's Eve, but sometimes children are playing with fireworks weeks before that night. It can be very dangerous having your pets free in the garden at that time. Once I came on my bicycle along a rather dark road, and I saw a dog being killed by a car passing by. It was a female Staffordshire Terrier, and she had run away from the garden because she was frightened by the fireworks.

At New Year's Eve I make sure all animals are in, especially my cat. I walk the dogs before the big fireworks start. They're not afraid at all, so they do what they must do, and then they lay down in the house very relaxed and quitly.

The parrots love watching the fireworks! Especially my first grey Tabu loved it! When the fireworks start, I take all parrots upstairs to my bedroom, which is at the street side, and together we watch. Weeks after the fireworks they still make firework sounds!

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I agree, keep your pets in where they will feel safe and secure and can find comfort if needed for their loving owners.


Fireworks always account for many dog and cat deaths or run away's due to the terror they inflict upon them. The flight or fight instinct kicks in, the adrenalin starts pumping nad they just run with no thought at all.

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I really like to watch fireworks, but I could do without the loud ones. The kids around my neighborhood like to set them off for days before the 4th of July. It really bothers my dogs but my birds don't seem to be too bothered. I also leave the tv on for them during this time and try to keep things as normal as possible so they won't be too upset.

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I took my grey to the last 4th of July celeberation in oceanside at the pier. Never again! Every loud thunderous boom she would try to fly off me and freak out. I don't know why I thought she might enjoy all the people lights etc, but fireworks are definetly a no go for most if not all animals the loud booms scare them and just add non needed stress.

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