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Home after my surgery,


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Well I'm back. 3 days after my 'day' surgery. blah.


Had complications after my surgery, partial collapsed lung, almost had pnemonia .. all fun! wee! :S :silly:


Got home, Loki went crazy, I think she missed me :). She's actually been making the motions of regurgitating for me, and has been nearly ignoring Kim :(. Kim had to be the bad person and come home, feed her, let her our for about an hour, shove her back into the cage and then leave to come see me at the hospital again. But I think everything is goin to be ok.


Her personality is starting to show through a bit more. She now has the habbit, which is so cute, to pull your finger closer to her with her beak so she can step up on it.


Our friend Laura came over the day before my surgery and it seems that Loki has a girlfriend. Loki, without hesitation, crawled off of me on the couch, waddled (so cute!) over to Luara and climbed up onto her. there was absolutly no hesitation on Loki's part, and Laura's had budgies before, so she knew how to handle Loki. Also when I was in the hospital Laura opened the cage one night that she came to see me in the hospital, and Loki did the "pull finger closer" thing and climbed right up onto her.



Sooooo we now have a birdie sitter if we have to go out one night it seems Muahahahaha :whistle: :lol:.

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Bryan, I am so glad to hear you are home, wow it was no fun huh and that is scary to hear you had some complications but you came thru with flying colors.


I have no doubt that Loki missed you very much, they do get attached to us very quickly and that makes you feel so good when she is so happy to see you and Kim got a little one on one time with her too.


I do believe you have found someone to be a sitter for Loki when you have to go out and leave her, hope Laura feels the same way, but I'm sure she does.


So happy you are back with us Bryan:) ;) B)

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Hi Bryan,


Sorry to hear you needed surgery and experienced complications. It good to hear you are in good spirits and that Loki took it well during your absence also.


Looking forward to hearing more of your progress and of course Loki's new crush. :-)

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Well, it's been 4 days since the surgery ... can say one good thing came out of all of this .. I haven't had a cigarette since :D


Though if someone has one outside and I smell it, I see myself twitching like a mad man. Withdrawl sucks! ... Percocet kinda helps with that though lol (that and napping ... ZZZzzzz)

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A sense of humor means your doing better. Glad to hear it. As for the smoking(and this is from a former long time smoker) you will feel so much better for quitting. My only problem is I'm now allergic to smoke; it makes my eyes well up and I have such a coughing fix around it.:sick: Get well soon. We miss you.

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luvparrots wrote:

A sense of humor means your doing better. Glad to hear it.


Heh, I always have a sense of humour, even at the worst times. I.E. Funerals etc etc ...


Heck, I nearly said to Kim that if I died to cremate me and pour my ashes into my bosses gastank .. my last act of defiance to that B...dastard :silly:

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Oh the lung thing, and the inability to get up for the first 3 days added to that. I have taken a couple hits off of a Nicorette inhailer since I've been home, but at the most i've had the equivelant of maybe half a cigarette, so nothing bad. Just impossible to fall asleep when having my first bad nic-fit.

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