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Elmo's flight for the potty!


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As many of you know Elmo will not "go" in her cage and loves to go to the toilet like a big bird as soon as I let her out. Well, the other day Elmo was in her cage for an hour or so while I was getting some things done. I let her out when I was done but I didn't take her out, I just left the door open for her to run around on her own. I got up on the bed and was about to start surfing the web when all of a sudden Elmo takes off flying into the bathroom. I got up expecting to find her in the tub or on the shower rod. I walk into the bathroom and there is Elmo on the toilet looking into the bowl where she went poopy! SHE WENT TO THE POTTY ON HER OWN!!! And to top it off she was making "potty" noises to go along with it...HAHAHAHA!!! Man, she is one smart but weird bird!




I got a few pics too...now I just need to find the cable for my camera to upload them!<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/10/09 06:25

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It's funny...she trained herself really. The first thing we do when I get home is take her out of the cage and hold her over the potty and she goes. She seems to like the splash and I make a big fuss over what a big bird she is and say "YEAAY...You went POTTY!!!" She getts at excited and has been giving me kisses the last moth or so after she goes because she is so happy she went like a big bird. It's really just getting the bird into the habbit of going in a place you want them to go...and making it a big deal.

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LOL Berna, Great morning laugh. It is actually a great example of what these intelligent feathered friends can be trained to do. You really need to get a shot of her in action and submit it to birdtalk to use as the cover photo for an article on potty training. :-)


Edited for a brilliant idea: Put a pull string for her to flush the toilet and watch the water go round and round and down. :-) If nothing else, it would add to a photo with her pulling on the string when you snap the photo.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/09 15:21

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This is so funny Berna, ROFLMAO, this is so cute that he will go to the bathroom and go potty in the commode, you do have a very smart bird.


And like Dan I would love to see one of him actually doing it, you know an action shot:blink: :laugh: thanks for making me laugh this morning:lol: ;) B)

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Well, now I know it was not just a fluke. I was in such a hurry to get to work this morning that I must have forgot to latch Elmos cage. I walked into my room as soon as I got home and saw the cage door WIDE OPEN!!! My heart jumped a beat and I started scanning the room for her. All the while all that is running through my head is "Oh no, oh no, ooooh no!" Then I walk into the bathroom hoping to find her on the shower rod, and where do you think I find her...ON THE TOILET!!! I was SHOCKED!!! Yes, she had gone in it again and had must have sat there and preened for awhile because there were a bunch of down and little feathers in the water. I bet she stayed in her cgae most of the day and when she thought I would be coming home went to the John and waited for me.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Elmo is going to be the death of me...I'm telling you!!!

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Thanks for sharing. I'm going to try this potty training with my Tag, when I get her. Though I think I'll try a toilet of her own. i.e., a special large planter with perch and bird litter. I enjoy your posts BMustee, they are always helpful, thanks again.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2008/10/09 23:47

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That is so great I have a couple birds that won't poop in their cage. but I never tryed getting them to poop on the toilet I also have one bird that I keep a empty food bowl in her cage and thats where she always poops I have to clean it everday but its a lot easier that having to clean perches and everything else they hit with their poop I wish all my birds would poop in a empty food bowl. Haveing Elmo toilet trained literly is quite the accomplishment whhat a smart little girl you have there.

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ROFLMAO!!! Keeping and empty food bowl in the cage for the bird to poop in...HAHAHAHA...Now I have heard EVERYTHING!!! We have a few birds at the store that no matter WHERE we put their bowls they ALWAY poo in them, so it makes sense to put a preverbial toilet in the cage in the form of a bowl.:laugh:


It's taken some time. Elmo is getting close to 2 years old and I have had her sense she was 6 weeks so it's taken some time...but I still an in utter shock I have an animal that goes to the toilet to go.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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