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new cage she is scared


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My name is Nancy and I am new to this. We have five dogs, four parakeets and an African Grey named Ralph. Ralph is a she. We just got Ralph a new cage. She used to be in a 24x24 cage it was older thinner bars. We just spent the money and got a King's cage that is 31x24 and it is taller. Ralph is freaked out. The bars are a little thicker and she is scared right now to move around. I went out and got a bunch of perches to make it easier for her to get from place to place but she still seems scared. The owner of the bird store I go to said it can take three months for her to get used to it. She is not eating and I am concerned. Since this cage is much roomier I bought more perches. The lady in the bird store said they shouldn't have more than two. I had to put more in because she wouldn't move. This is my boyfriend's mother's bird but I help take care of her. I can only do so much because she is not my bird and I don't want to overstep my bouds but any suggestions would be so great. I have a swing in the cage, Plus I put her two old perches in ther which are really chewed up but she loves them. I also have two of those twisty ones made out of that thick rope near her dishes and one of the sand paper perches by her food dish to help with her nails. I also have a couple of those smaller tree branch one that you attached with the washers. So everyone right me back and let me know what to do.

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Aloha Nancy, I'm new as well and have been quietly gathering my posting courage - it's nice to virtually meet you. I truly intend no disrespect, but my initial feeling is one of alarm - Ralph's cage dimensions seem very small to me. That said, Ralph may need a less than cold turkey approach ... do you still have the old cage? I notice my Congo Chloe tends to do better with new things on a gradual basis. When introducing her to anything new, I place the object in full view and inch it closer to her everyday, taking care to make a scene of investigating and enjoying the object myself to encourage her curiosity. In this case, you might try placing the new cage in view of the old and add familiar and favorite perches and toys over time as opposed to so many new things at once. Hang out around the new cage, play with the toys and perches within, have a grand time and invite her to join you. When she's ready, she will :-) I wish you well, though once again respectfully suggest investigating cage dimensions further. Take care :-)


Post edited by: estream, at: 2007/04/19 06:36<br><br>Post edited by: estream, at: 2007/04/19 06:41

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Hi Nancy. I've had a similar problem. When i put my grey into her new cage she simply would'nt budge and stood at the bottom. My grey likes to be pet on the head so I put my finger through her cage right at the top and told her to cmon. She eventually gathered the courage to climb up. After that she started to explore the cage and wasn't as scared anymore. You could use a similar technique, maybe show Ralph her fav treat and hold it at the top of the cage.

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hi...i agree with estream....the 24 x 24 was the smallest cage allowed for an african grey. and after reading some articles, i guess that was suppose to be the smallest cage for them, and that to be used if the bird is out of the cage most of the time.... the bigger the better... maybe try leaving both cages opened and let her go back and forth...but put food and water in the big cage, after a few days she'll get use to the larger cage and you can remove the smaller one.

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Hi Nancy,


From experience I'd also go along with estream's advice - I did the same thing myself when I got a new big cage. I just let my bird play ON the new cage for a while, but kept his old one so that he'd feel secure. And after a bit of exploring for afew days he got used to the idea of a new home, and settled in fine. I just hope you haven't got rid of the old one yet!



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