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Room Temperature


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Guest Monique

I've never heard of an optimum temperature. I think anything tolerable to you should be okay to them. They're a wild animal so they can't be just a one temperature bird :).

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I ask because I came home from work yesterday and my grey was shivering. Although they are wild animals they do originate from a hot country, therefore im keen to find out what approx temperature suits their comfort zone ? :dry:

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Guest Monique

If your bird is puffed up with her feathers out I would bring her to the vet to get checked. As long as you didn't have your house cold like a tundra (below 67 degrees or so) with a fan in the room blowing on her at the same time she shouldn't do that - that's a sign of a bird that isn't feeling well. Birds hide their sickness very well so if you see a sign you need to get them into the vet as soon as possible.

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