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It's going to be hard for me to write this.

I'm going to take a deep breath and go for it. I lost a good good friend on Friday. His name was Crackers and he was a very old blue crown conure. Probably about 15 years ago, I heard that a neighbor was looking for a new home for her parrot. Of course I had to investigate! I asked her about it- well, she loved Crackers very much, he was totally bonded to her, but she had a new baby. Every time she'd leave the room where Crackers was, he'd start the famous conure screaming- wanting her to come back to the room with him. It would wake the baby up. She'd gotten to the point where she couldn't handle it anymore and wanted Crackers to have a good home where he could get more attention. So, Crackers became a member of my flock. He was an imported bird. I don't know how old he was then, but sometime during his life he'd lost part of one wing, so he never could fly. I'd take him outside on nice days and let him play in a small little tree in my front yard- until the tree eventually grew too tall for me to reach the top of it. Crackers was a sweet bird with a very loud voice, a strong desire to nest with me and always wanting attention. Since he couldn't fly, he'd run around on the floor of my house, sometimes even chasing my terrier mix dog Sparky around with his little beak open. Sparky came to respect that beak and always stayed just a step out of reach. Over the years, Crackers became mostly blind as well. It was quite a sight to see him, a blind bird that couldn't fly, chasing around the room after my dog that was many times his size. He never had any trouble navigating his way around either. I miss him so much, my bird room is so much quieter without him and I just hope he knew how much he was loved. I hope I gave him the best life he could have had without his freedom. Even though I miss him greatly and grieve his loss, I'm still happy inside that now he has both his wings back and can fly free forever. I love you Crackers.

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Jen that is such a touching tribute to Crackers and I am so sorry for your loss but yes he has both wings now and he can see clear as day. I am sure he knew you loved him very much and you will see him once again some day in all his glory.


Thanks Jen for sharing your loss with us.

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Jen, i am sorry to read about your loss, I am also new but want to wish you all the best. I am sure that you gave him all the best and one day you will meet again. To me it is so heartbroken to read of all our animals that passed away. i also had two dogs put down due to cancer and still I am crying for them. My grey is now 10 months old and i dont know what i will do if anything must happen to him/her. :(

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I'm sorry for your loss Iknow how heart breaking it can be to lose a good friend. But he has full flight and full sight and is waiting for you just accross the rainbow bridge. he will meet you there one day and he will show you what a good flyer he is. I know the sadness fills your heart and there is an empty spot in your home without him I'm sure even little sparky notices the difference and misses his little friend. In time the sadness will be replace with all the wonderful memory's that you and Cracker shared so take heart.

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I am so sorry you lost Crackers, I know you loved that little fellow as much as you do the rest of your flock!

I hope the pain will ease in time, remember he has gone to a beautiful place where he can see and fly free.

You and your family are in my thoughts, Love to you all xxx

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