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poem for polly


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Polly passed a while ago but still miss and will always have a special place in my heart for her as I have with all my pets. This poem was written by me not long after her passing. it still makes me weep. thought I would share it with you


my fine feathered friend

i had you so long

now your in a better world

and I must be strong


your soaring the skies

so high above

its your destiny

i cant compensate with love


I gave you the best

that I could provide

but now you have freedom

the space of the skys


your eating fresh fruit

so sweet from the trees

though supermarket goods

you accepted with ease


its hard to believe

your no longer with me

my one consolation

your death set you free


your now free to fly

the sky it is yours

no cage to confine you

God opened the doors


I believe your still with me

I still hear your calls

but their from high above

not stuck behind walls


Your calling so loud

so happy so strong

you were so ill little bird

your death cant be wrong


your now free to fly

to eat fruit from the trees

to feel gentle rain

and a warm blowing breeze


be happy little bird

enjoy what is yours

a life now in freedom

not stuck behind doors


so gentle so mild

my sweet feathered friend

for now its goodby

but for you not the end

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  • 3 months later...

the loving coments are a fantastic tribute to a very special bird who will always stay in my heart along with her life long friend Pippin who passed just a few short weeks before Polly.Thank you so much. Sheila


Post edited by: she, at: 2009/01/29 13:26


Post edited by: she, at: 2009/01/31 22:00<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/01/31 22:01

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