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My sweet little cockateil diied this morning


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I Opened all the bird cages like normal and Spike my cockateil went for his morning flight around the house like normal I heard him land so I went into the living room to see where he was. My Papplion dog came chareing after me and it spooked spike and he flew into the window and broke his neck. I raised that little guy from a little baby I hand fed him he was so smart he always thought he was an african grey and would try todo and say everything that Tyco would say he even learned the shake and bake play for keeps game that my daughter taught to Tyco now he's gone and I'm so upset I don't even know what I'm doing. I can't beleive it one mnute he's here and then gone in a instant. He knew about windows

because I teach all my birds about them I take them around to every window and show them that they're solid, but I guess because he was startled and flying irradicly he wasn't thinking andjust flew out of fear. I'm so sad this is just the worst thing that could ever happen to my beautiful baby boy.


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Thanks everyone for your support its very hard to deal with. I real beleived I was doing the right thing by letting my birds have full flight. I thought teaching them about windows was enough but its not when there is fear involved. I really starting to wonder if I should clip them all now. I couldn't bear it of I lost another bird because of this idea that birds where meant to fly. all this is so fresh. and I don't want to do anything rash. I know your all going to say clipping the birds is a personal choice and it is but its never been my choice. I just don't know what todo. mabie a few more lessons on windows to keep it fresh in thier minds would help. like if I took them around every week and have them touch the glass I don't want to have to keep all the blinds closed and live in the dark. my birds are out from early morning until bed time. I just don't know what I should do<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/09/25 14:50

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Give yourself a few days before you make a final desision about clipping. Right now it is just a reaction to what happened. Remind your birds where the glass is.


Also a very good suggestion to help you keep your birds flighted and your shades open. Get some of the window clings that they put out for hollidays to put on your windows. Your birds will see them and know that they can't fly threw. Or if you are creative enough you could use acrylic craft paint and paint something more to your liking onto your windows. It comes back off very easy. Some windex and a window scraper.


I have to wonder if it is a tiel thing. I lost my tiel Maggie to a very similar accedent. Though it was boiling water and not a window.

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oh my thoughts are with you and i fully understand what you are going through i still find it hard to believe that my grey alfie is no longer with me its like loosing a limb i still go to talk or go ova to his cage.with the clipping i think its your decision completly if its puts your mind at ease then to me thats the right choice,this was not your fault it was just a terrible accident dont go blaming yourself just remember the good times you had together. x

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Thanks so much you people are just the best to have around when your feelimg down. I was thinking of mabie just giving the birds a very minor clip like 1or2 flight feathers mabie that way they wouldn't be able to build up as much speed and if they can't fly as fast then they wouldn't hit as hard. What do you think about that idea. I really don't want to take my birds ability to fly totaly away from them I see the joy they have flying from one end of my house to the other to take that away just seems so cruel to me since they have always been flighted. This is has only happen to me once before in my life and the last time it was also a Cockateil. the last time was 30 years ago and my cockateils cage was never shut he slep on a perch just above his cage and one night we had a friend spending the weekend and he came home late and startled my bird in the dark he flew and hit a wall. From then on I've always put my birds in their cages at night. Now this with Spike gosh mabie it is just a Cockateil thing I'm realy starting to wonder.

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Well I just don't have the heart to clip my birds. so I'm going to try the window things I found some really nice stain glass and crystl things hanging from sucktion cups. I'll hang those on the patio door and a couple of the bigger windows. With the smaller windows I'll close the blinds and and have the blinds turned so you can still see out of them. I hope it will be enough I'm only really worried about the smaller birds. Fergie knows really well about windows she flys to her outside cage all the time which is right in front of the patio doors so I can just wheel it out the door when i put her in it. Tyco hasn't learned to fly yet so I know she won't be flying into any windows my baby Ringneck was clipped when I bought him and severly I might add which I'm not happy about he falls like a rock poor thing. So the only ones I'm really worried about is my Conures They don't scare easily they are much to interested in fun for that if they hear a big noise they are more likely to investigate the noise then fly away from it they are to curious for their own good. My other cockateil is also clipped a little because I just got him so for training puposes i always give m new birds a minor clip he still flys pretty good but its more a 10ft glide to the floor. He sould be starting his 1 yr molt soon so i'll have to make sure he gets tons of training about windows before then. A breeder friend of mine has offered me a Wf Lutino Cockateil for 1/2 price she's beautiful but I don't know if I should take it or not I've always wanted a all white Cockateil mabie I should I have a cage all set up and everything I don't know. what do you think I should do.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/09/26 19:50

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