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My baby comes home in one week!


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yes hes coming from a breeder about 2 1/2 hours away we have met and cuddled and I was inlove and have been obsessed with getting ready for his arrival EVERYTHINGS READY but him :P Hes a Congo the breeder called him Zero for when she was taking him to the vet my family loved the name ( I am used to it now but didnt want him to feel like a Zero lol)as it goes well with my dogs Ozzy and ZZoy. When I made his wellness appointment the vet told me I had to spell his name ZZero to go with the clan.


I think Isabeau is a very cute name :)

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I know what that excitment is like. don't worry your babies will be home before you know it. I love the names you have chosen. I can't wait to see some pictures the babies are just so sweet with those dark eyes that can met your heart. Your in for so much fun I can't wait to hear about all the antics your fids are up too

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Oh she is beautiful Pchela. I sure hope you get to bring her home this weekend!! I am gonna need to live vicariously thru you !!


Just got off the phone with the breeder Zero is still begging. So I have at least another week to go, she has separated him from his brother who is not interested in weaning at all ( big baby) she thinks it may contribute to Zero begging still. Hes almost done, gone full days then begs the next.


SO I am so sad I thought he would get to come home this weekend !! OMG another full week of pacing the floors !!

even though I am sad , I am glad she didn't tell me I could finish him off, I can wait for everything to be perfect :)<br><br>Post edited by: cflanny, at: 2008/09/26 06:35

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