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Pushing the Season


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As Mika is only 6 months old now he has never seen a Christmas season, I was hoping that people with older Greys that have gone through the Christmas thing could offer some advice.


The new addition of a tree with lights in his living room suddenly appearing?


The scents from the candles even if they are not burning?


Decorating suddenly appearing through out the house?


These are just somethings I have been wondering about and would like to get some ideas on how or how not to handle it.




Carolyn & Mika{Holidays-000200B2}

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Good question and perfect timing Carolyn. It will vary from Grey to Grey. Dayo's reaction to his first Christmas, was one of being very cautious at first and gasping when I would have him on my shoulder and walk by the tree, ornaments etc. I must admit, he did scream a few times when I walked through with some of the items to put up. :-)


However, the Tree is not in the same room as Dayo or where we all stay during the day and nighttime hours. We place ours in our large dinning room with a bay window for display.


Thanks for starting this topic. I am sure there will be many great post by all.


Don't forget about Halloween and Thanksgiving either. My gran kids received a few screams from Dayo when they showed up in their costumes. :evil:

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Great question Carolyn, I have been wondering the same thing. What is their reaction going to be? I am even wondering where am I going to even put my tree this year???? I have 3 cages in the front room where my tree has always been set up:unsure: which are now taking up my Christmas tree spot:laugh:

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Josey took last Christmas in stride, you have to do things slowly and tell them what you are doing before and during the actions so as not to scare them. Who knows they may be fascinated by all the lights and decorations.


Just be sure if you do use candles in your displays to not light them which of course I never do anyways.


Like you Erika, I used to put my tree where Josey's cage is now so I put it in another spot, move things around a little to fit it in for a couple of weeks.

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We have an artifical tree so Alex gets to watch us put it up. So it didn't bother him to much. Once it was up though we discoverd that we can't put the angel on the top. Because Alex loves being in the tree! Grrrr I might try a differnt spot this year for the tree. Not that we have much room. But I will figure it out!

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I think you will find that some parrots are afraid of the decorations, and some see them as lovely new toys. This will be Liaths third Christmas and I have lost some treasured decorations to her over the past 2:blink: But if I am going to put decorations out where she is allowed to play, its hardly her fault if she plays with them!


The best part of her Christmas present was the wrapping paper! Oisin was afraid of everything to do with Christmas except the big bowl of vegetables he was given for his Christmas dinner :laugh:

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Hi. I have given up with decorations or a tree in the living room. Charlie would go crazy. Cracker would just demolish everything. I am also afraid of the extra wires and possible toxic decorations. I also have two large cages in the living room so I am also short of space. I usually just put some lights and decorations in the conservatory and keep the birds away.

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I guess I plan ahead, and just want to be ready for baby's first Christmas;) I guess when the tim comes I just will go slow like you said. We dont really decorate for Thanksgiving and Halloween maybe just turn off the light and go to the family room:evil: we'll see about that if the night is warm maybe just sit on deck and hand out but NO candles this year lol


Thanks for all the advise


Carolyn & Mika

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You have read my mind Carolyn! I was only thinking about this the other day.

Last year I only had Charlie, he was fine with the tree but Christmas day morning he freaked with the presents and wrapping paper when my kids opened their presents.

This year now I have Keeko, I am also short on space with having two cages in the room.

I think we will be decorating a tree in the garden lol!

My husband is a scrooge and when I mentioned this he said we can just do without! It wouldnt be the same though would it?

Will have to get my thinking cap on.


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I don't worry about christmas to much around here because there is just my and my 13 yr old daughter. I put up a little 2 ft table top tree and decorate the outside of the house A bit but we live so far out in the tully's that we just go into town and spend Christmas there both my older daughter's have baby's of their own now so they take turns on cooking Christmas dinner for the whole family there use to be 18 of us when I did it now there is 20 so now I get to relax and they do all the work. I like Christmas.

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Suzzique wrote:

Once it was up though we discoverd that we can't put the angel on the top. Because Alex loves being in the tree!


That is so cuuuuute, I have an image of the tree all decorated and lit up with a cherubic-looking little grey sitting on the top...who needs angels? (At least until he crawls down and starts demolishing the ornaments!) :laugh:

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