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Toni's 6 Month Injury Update


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Okay it was 6 month's yesterday, 15th.Update is good, so far.My radius bone in my left arm just shows a line on it.I can lift a child at least.When it comes to picking up a rubbermaid tub I cant. The best thing is I can type like I use too.My femur bone in my right leg also shows a small crack now.However the talus bone in my right foot still causes trouble.It has its moments.I still take the Hydrocodone when the kiddos leave and use the ice packs.I still have to prop it up at night because it swells after daycare.I now do the daycare on my own except for days that it has its moments and that can be like once or twice a week.Last week I didnt need help.Xrays still show the part that has died and so far has stayed the same with no progression of it dying anymore.So that means I still cant cart wheel yet :( .Not allowed to bowl a year, not allowed to use the treadmill for a year and a half. Still have the scars>Ive been putting on the Palmer's cocobutter lotion.I have noticed a difference.Thank you for all the encouraging words throughout this though.I give you an update on the day I do a cart wheel..:silly:

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Ohhh, I also forgot that I can walk but side ways with the one foot allowed.Im doing home therapy with a rubber band tube they gave me. My foot doesnt want to go side to side or up and down.I got down the family room on my bumm.I sleep in a recliner because I dont want to go to the potty in the dark and slide on my bumm cause I sleepy. We have to push back the foot and push it side to side which of course hurts. Its getting better. At least I dont have to use my friend the walker anymore.Yeahhhhh

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Toni i think you have made remarkable progress in 6 months.The pictures of your vehicle were horrific as where the injuries you sustained.I know there has been many ups & downs for you but i take my hat off to you, to have come this far in such a short space of time has taken great determination on yout part ;)

And the best news ! No walker :P;) May you continue to heal :)

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Toni wrote:

I give you an update on the day I do a cart wheel..:silly:


Out of curiosity could you cartwheel before the accident? Cos I can't!


You have really had such a rough 6 months. The news is better but it sounds like you still have a way to go :ohmy: I am praying for you that the next six months will be even better;)



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Toni, thank you for the update. My God! You have been through so much, and what a lot of hard work you have had to do to get where you are in just 6 months. Keep up the good work, and I will pray that you make a speedy recovery so I can do that Cartwheel with you! :laugh:

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Toni I havent been a member of the forum long and just came accross your update. It sounds like you have had a rough time.You are doing remarkably well and seem to be a very strong person.I wish you well in the future. God Bless. Sheila

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I feel for you. My step mom is going through some ortho problems herself so I know how hard it can be for someone that has to use a walker or wheelchair. I'm sure in the next 6 months you'll be good as new...if not darn close.


I'm with everyone else...a video of the cartwheel is a MUST!

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Just kepp doing what your doing and you will be as good as new before you know it. Its hard comeing back I know I was not suposed to live 6 yrs ago. and I took allot of detemination but I'm finaly just about back to the way I was and you wil be to May god watch over you and keep you strong. I will keep you in my prayers. I will also be looking forward to that cartwheel vidio I'm sure it won't be to much longer or at least I hope not.

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