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Lost Grey in Essex UK


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Hi All,:(

I have noticed a sign in my area of the uk (ESSEX) which is asking if anyone has seen an African Grey called Captain. He was lost in of all places, Grays Essex and the owners are understandably very upset.

They are offering a reward for his safe return.:unsure:


I know it's a long shot but should anyone in the UK around this area see or hear anything could you post.



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Just to let everone know, Michelle has contacted the RSPCA to look after the grey until the owners can be found. I hope Steve gets in touch on here soon and we may be able to reunite the grey with its owners.

Lets hope we can!

If anyone sees him online will they get him to check his private messages and give me a ring!

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The grey is now being looked after, I have the details and just need Steve to come online now!

Hurry up Steve!

A Big thankyou to Michelle who found the grey, I will keep you updated if I hear anything else.

She has asked me to phone her if we find the owners to let her know the outcome.;)

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The Stupid woman at the animal sanctury Essex Wildlife Trust will not let them go and identify it as they do not have him tagged! The poor lady is going out of her mind. I have told her to give the local paper a call and Give them an update on how it was going. Bet they would let her in then!! x

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Just phoned and spoke to the owner of Captain, the Grey found the other day has been claimed by someone else. It wasnt Captain:(

He is absolutely heartbroken at the loss of his bird which has been missing for 10 days now. I have told him as a forum we will do all we can to help. Will need all of you in Essex to look out for any posters or any adds in papers which may give us a lead. Also just a thought we could try and keep this thread running for a bit to keep it on the screen in case anyone finds a Grey and maybe looks on here.

I pray his Grey is found, he was really shocked I had rung him from so many miles away and that people were trying to help and had an interest in finding his baby.

Lets hope Captain is well and in safe hands.

My thoughts and prayers will be with them!

If anyone hears anything could you please let me know.


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