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The Day Our World Changed


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September 11, 2001: The Day Our World Changed

Planes crashing into buildings

in pictures from a disaster film

before our actual eyes

On the small screen filling our homes

with scenes of terror so horrifying

they must be simulated

Unable to comprehend

how anyone willingly could commit

these brutal acts of terror

Yet these images of harsh reality

become etched into our memory

As we watch the destruction

of a way of life

The laughter of my young daughter

pulls me from the barrage of images

and back into the reality of our day

Too young to know what has happened

yet sensing the anxiety in the air

Focusing on the exploration of her world

with a simple request of "Out"

Her small hand placed trustingly in mine

to guide her on way

A little voice of hope for the future


A nation, a world in tears

united in grief and loss

A tragedy so large

the loss so pervasive

the depth of emotions so great

no words can truly convey the mood


The sacrifice of so many lives

from so many countries

As we struggle to make some sense of the senseless

and look to answer the question


Yet many others saved

by acts of kindness from strangers

and in the mission thwarted

by last heroic acts of sacrifice and bravery


The eagle like the mighty phoenix

emerges from the ashes

bruised, but not beaten

stronger than ever

Out of the rubble of destruction

Seeds of hope

Stories of courage

Heroes emerge

Our country unites


To learn and to change

so that it never happens again

To keep the memories of the events and the people alive

but to also keep living

If not for ourselves

for our way of life

for our freedom

for our children


Kirsti Dyer

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