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Tid bit I learned today


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My breeder told me not to rub my Zero on his sides under his wings because they have sex glands there and can start to think of you more as a mate which can lead to jealousy and not wanting to spend time with anyone else. She said not to do this type of rubbing if you want him to form bonds with others in the house. Have any of you heard this before ??

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Yes, rubbing a bird under the wings and by the tail is a sexual thing for parrots. I don't know if you have ever seen birds being "romantic" with eachother, but when they do they rub under the wings and by the tails...the Hyacinths at my work are always doing it! LOL!

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Touching is one thing Carolyn, but when you pet or rub your bird you should avoid the back, tail and under the wings. When a bird gets old enough to have hormones starting to emerge those areas are where the bird is stimulated by their mate and you don't want to be your bird's mate.:laugh:

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wow, I learn so much from this forum! I was so excited tonight, we were told by previous owner that Beau did not like to be touched but tonight when I went to take him from his perch to sit by me on a portable perch her put his head down for a scratch and that went on for five min and then he continued that even on the portable perch and later while sitting on my shoulder! I was even petting his back but will no longer do that now.

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Your grey is only 17 months so you should be ok for the purposes of getting him used to the harness handling him on his back and wings. Once he is used to the harness you wont need to do that anymore. Its really as the bird gets older that you need to avoid stimulating him.

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  • 7 months later...

this is kind of an old post but somehow stumbled upon it...


wow...i never would of imagined that! i 'pet' my little guy down his back and under his wings (mostly cuz i want him to be used to me touching him everywhere in case i need to for some reason) but i'll have to get out of that habit. willis is only 14 or so weeks old but i don't want to get in the habit now and regret it later! yet another reason why i love this forum!!

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