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General Beaureguard is here!


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He arrived last night around 10:30. I was online in the forum of course and up pulled my son in my van. I was trying to shut down the computer and looked out and his girlfriend was walking around with the bird on her arm! I was freaking out having read all the threads about one gust of wind and they could still fly even though clipped. By the time I got outside my son had the bird and was in the middle of the front yard showing me how to "throw" the bird! Yep, again, in that freaky mode! I was so relieved when he finally handed me my bird! Now, I have to tell you, it was just plain weird holding him. I was so used to my baby conure that the weight of this bird threw me off! lol Well, we got to sit and get to know each other while my son put his cage together, he stepped up great from hand to hand and gave kisses and climbed up to my shoulder and yep, christianed me there too. Is that bonding or what? lol I put him up on his play area on top of the cage and filled his food bowls and water dishes and then finally about 11:30 put him to bed. I was leary of taking him down from his high perch at this time so walked over and said "ready to go to bed"(like his previous owners told me, and he put his head down and I scratched it, then he kinda bobbed and stepped down to my hand and went into the cage just like a real gentleman should!

All in all it was a wonderful experience! Today I cut up bananas, apples,oranges and watermelon and put in one of his bowls and he has been eating ever since!

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he is three or four years old


I bought him some fresh spinach for lunch and at first he threw it on the floor, I put it in another cup and tada he ate most of it. For some reason he doesn't like this cup, the previous owners warned me he empties it and then uses it as a toilet.......so I washed it out and put in the fresh fruit and thought it was working but think I have learned a lesson!


He is busy grooming right now which leads up to this question, I bought the aloe vera juice today, can I also spray my baby conure with this?

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Congradulations! Sounds like he is settling in perfect for you and he sounds like a real sweetheart. I know you are in love already! Keep us posted and perhaps we can see a picture of him???


PS I would have wrung my kids necks though taking chances like that before he ever got in the house:ohmy:

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Congratulations btdaycare!!!


What a wonderful new homecoming. I can only imagine your hear pounding trying to get out the door before your new Grey took to flight, possibly. :ohmy:


It's GreYt to hear all went well and lots of kisses and head scratches for all were given and returned. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos.

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what a fantastic day, every time I leave the room he makes a new sound such as a laugh, water drop, or random words, I was afraid he wouldn't speak at all but he is sure showing me a thing or two.

I was also told that he didn't like to be touched, tonight when I went to take him down from his perch he dipped his head for a scratch and continued to do so even on the portable perch and then when he sat on my shoulder. He is a cuddler too! Yahooooooo!

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I am so sad, my little conure died today. She was only three months old, I don't know why she died. I am wondering if a febreeze candle could be the reason but she seemed weak long before I burned it this weekend. In fact, ever since we brought her home she favored the foot from where they took the blood. I am trying to rack my brain what I did wrong. I sprayed her with the aloe vera juice. I fed her fruits and veggies and pellets and she ate and drank well.


I just loved that little bird, she was so awesome. Any hints on what I should watch for in my grey or my cockatiel in case whatever it was is catching?

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Oh no, I am so sorry to hear of this, poor little thing but it may have been something wrong with her you didn't know about. But burning the candle didn't help and it may have contributed to her death since we are not supposed to use any kind of candles and especially scented around our birds.


Maybe you should consider taking her in to the vets for a necropsy to determine the cause of death so if it is anything the other two could catch then you can do what you need to prevent them from coming down with it.


Again I am so sorry for your loss, even though you only had her for a short time, it was enough to care and love her, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

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