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I am so excited, I joined this forum just yesterday in hopes of learning all about the grey before getting one. I have always wanted one and have been looking up online all about them and then came across this forum. I have learned so much from the articles on here and from a quick chat last night.

My news is............I turned on my computer and on a Nebraska websight(which is where I am from) an ad was there for a grey and after a long talk with a gentleman I am making arrangements for my son to pick up my new bird tonight! It comes with a cage and everything! I am so excited and plan to be on here a lot today to learn as much as I can before my 3 or 4 year old bird comes here late tonight. He will have to travel about an hour and half to pick it up.


Here is what I know about my new bird.

The current owners wife works at a vetrinarians hospital so I am sure it is a healthy bird. My question is, will the bird still learn new words at my house? He talks, but not much. He is not a screamer. He tolerates the shower but does not care for it. He loves to go outside and they hang perches in their trees for him to sit in while they do yard work. He is very hand friendly and will sit on shoulders but will get a little tempermental, he has bitten but never drawn blood. The current owner has three children and said a hundred kids go through the house so the bird is used to children. He prefers the husband but is more female oriented? He likes peanuts and other treats. Oh, he used to belong to an elderly person and then when she passed away, her son, a currater of a zoo offered the bird to the current owner and now they don't feel the bird is getting enough attention. That is about all I know.


I have daycare in my home and do daycare 24/7 pretty much every day. I currently have one baby conure who is such a sweetie, she loves to cuddle and is great with the daycare kids. I also have a cat, fish, crested gecko lizards and five dogs. Three of those dogs are outside dogs, Irish Setter, black lab, and boxer, except at night where they all go into their owners rooms. The two that stay inside are a cocker and a yorky. Yes, I have a zoo in my home and love each and every animal. Oh, two of my sons live with me and two of the the larger dogs are theirs and the cocker is one of their girlfriends,(she frequently takes him home when she doesn't have school or work).


Tada, my crazy life in a nutshell!

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Hello Btdaycare and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new to you grey.


Lucky you to find a grey right off the bat like that, it was meant to be I guess so congrats on finding one so soon.


You have certainly came to the right place for lots of information and help, so read thru the many threads and do ask any and all questions you may have and we will try to help you in any way we can.


When you get this grey please take some pictures and share them with us as we would love to see them.<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2008/09/08 21:24

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Hi and welcome here. I can tell you are excited!:) Greys are wonderful birds. I adopted a 12 year old about 2 months ago and he makes me so happy. Mine does talk and he came with the words he knew from the previous owner but he is picking up on what we say here in our house quickly so I think they are continually learning new words. My grey talks in spurts. A little in the morning and a some more in the afternoon or evening. Some days he has lots to say, other days not too much. Some words turn out to be favorite words of his and he says them over and over over. Other words or phrases he will say once or twice and I don't hear them anymore. One things for sure, he always keeps me guessing. I am looking forward to hearing more about him or her. What is his/her name? It sounds like it was taken care of very well and will be a loving companion. Be careful in the beginning. He or she will have to settle in and might bite out of nervousness in the beginning. Sounds like a sweetie though.

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Welcome btdaycare!!!


It sounds like you have a wonderful Grey on the way to your new home. He sounds like a very well socialized and adjusted Grey. he will continue to pick up new noises and words in your home. :-)


Looking forward to hearing how the first day went!!

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Hi all Beau is doing great. I am learning from him every minute! This morning I made breakfast for him, apples, bananas, watermelon,strawberris and oranges, well he ate and then threw everything on the floor. I had a blanket over my carpet thanks to the previous owners warning! lol Well, I left the mess since he was still on the perch by the food when I ran to the store. Forgetting that when I let my two smaller dogs into the house they are snoopy and rambunctious! Yep, you guessed it, the blanket was flipped over and ,strawberries ground into my light brown carpet........sigh, I had just cleaned the carpet yesterday! I had to rewash that area immediately and Beau was making a high pitched sound but didn't really seem to be upset so I finished cleaning the mess and now, I have a little portable perch that I put on the end table and he is sitting beside me. He is watching me and the dogs and snacking on some pellets. I didn't even know until now that he too has the same cinnamon color on his tail feathers as my conure! He is so beautiful! Pictures do not show all the variations of color on this bird with the greys and white and cinnamon and freckles(just like me)lol!

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hi all, well we had our first shower today, and I do mean "our" I bought a shower perch and carried him into the bathroom, put him on the towel holder until I was ready and started the shower, I was watching him the whole time to see if he had any fear as previous owner said he didn't like it. I put him on the perch and blocked the main flow of water and he tolerated it well with a few loud chirps, then I carried him to the shower and while he hated it on his head and even fluttered to the floor he seem to like it on his back and even lifted his wings. All in all a pretty good experience I think. We will try it daily and see how it works out.


Oh tried the oatmeal and squash and he turned his beak up at it!

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