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Sick Parott


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Hi have no idea of what do do anymore. My baby is still sick and i HAVE been to the vets and they do not know what is wrong with her. This is so frustrating. The next move i do not want to do. I cannot do and refruse to do.


I have had every single test xray blood test and yet nothig has been diagnosed.


Were do i go from here. I am weening her to keep her alive. i feel she is just going through the motions. i dont know right from wrong with my baby.


I feel its only force feeding her thats keeping her alive.


My last resort next. biobsy which is only a 50 50 chance she will even survive and still not be able to mend her.


I am managing to keep her weight gained were it was losing by feeding her Harrison food.


She has had every type of medication which has done nothing. how can this be that a specialist cannot find whats wrong with her. I dont get it!

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I'm sorry to hear this. Have you been to an Avian vet? It would seem to me that they would be able to find out something. Have they done thorough blood work on her?

Please keep feeding her and keeping her alive. I hope she is not suffering.

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Quote "Sorry have not been in touch. My baby has been xrayd now and its bad news. He has psittacosis which is a disased liver. He also has a calcium definciaty"


Was psittacosis confirmed by blood tests ?

Blood samples will only demonstrate antibodies, which mean the bird has been exposed to Chlamydophila at some time, the bloods need to be repeated because the first can come back negative.


Was the calcium deficiency rectified ?


Who may i ask is your vet in the UK ?

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Oh donste, I am so sorry to hear this. In light of the enlarged Liver, it must indicate something to the vets you have seen. It would seem that the Calcium injections she has received and the boost they give her, would indicate something to the vet.


If feeding her baby formula gets her fed and nourished. I would continue doing that, since she does not seem to ingest enough normal food to sustain her. The baby food also contains high levels of protein and nutrients she needs. Just keeping her sufficiently nourished will help her naturally fight whatever the issue is.


Given all the test the vets have run, perhaps they could send all the data and x rays to a leading specialist to review and advise?


I do hope the best for you both and you are in my prayers.

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I am sorry to hear to hear that your baby is still ill but the others have given you some good advice so keep up the feeding and hang in there.


I will continue to keep you and this grey in my thoughts and prayers that you will soon be back with an update that has better news.

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Hi there everyone. her tests come back negative for phyticosis. she was on the medication for 2 weeks and was really ill on it. he took it off. we have had blood tests, xrays, stool tests and there all coming back negaitve. xray confirmed enlarged liver. blood tests confirmed low white cells but these are only tests he sends away for so my vet is only diagnosing by results.


my vet is http://www.village-vets.com/about.htm


i was sent there by the rspca.


but i have now checked with parrot scoiet and they have never heard of him. he is only one of 4 in the uk that work wiht birds. am not that impressed at the moment

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only the fact that nothing is happening when i give her madication he rules it out. its like a guessing game.


he was talking postmortams the 1st time we took her there, she is still alive and now gaining wait but with force feedbing. she just does not get involved with anything, no singing no playing just food and bleeting.


its very very hard as i really dont know what to do next

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Hi everyone. latest my vet is transferring me to to someone else now another vet as he is lost on what to do as he cannot find anything. What i am doing is i am trying to upload a movie i done tonight to see if anyone knows about the swallowing issue. i told my vet about this but he find nothing but i still think its weird and this is def wrong. she cannot eat roughage. The video is a little bit funny but not meant to be you will see what i mean. I only give a crisp to show an example of her swalling and never ever give her crisps as a rule.


Let me know any of your thoughts

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I do feel for you and I'm so glad that you are going to a different vet Its riddicules that this poor bird has had to suffer like this for so long. I'm so glad mabie the new vet will find or know the answer right away. if the other vet was not an Avian vet then he probubly was just guessing he probubly should have sent you to a different vet a long time ago. I'm praying that the answers will come soon for you and your baby's sake. you have all my very best wishes for a possitive outcome and don't give up on her you have manage to keep her alive this long so I'm sure there is a reason for this God bless you both

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Hi the vet i was with was an avian vet. The one he has transferred me to is the one that did all the blood tests. We went to see her this week and still not really much help. We are going to have to give her an endoscopy now £300 and this still could come back with nothing. Because there are so many tests we could go on forever. I suppose when you buy a bird you do not realize what it intales when they are ill. Parrots are very hard to diagnose and she thinks it may have parrot waste disease. We did thing positive all along that we have kept her going. It has got to the stage in 6 weeks were she is no better and her weight is going down even more. we are having to force feed her to keep alive. In the long run i have now accepted that my fluffy is going to die. I cannot bare to see her in any more pain. her eyes are now sunken and blue where they should be white. After £1000 in vet fees still no help. All vets we have seen are top vets and i have had advice from 3 different top avain vets now. they all cant be wrong


Does anyone know if parrot waste is there from when they were born

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This news breaks my heart Donste and she may have the parrot waste disease but couldn't they confirm that with tests? I don't know much about it but it does sound like she is not going to get any better and if she is suffering then that weighs heavily on what to do about her. What does your vet say?


I will continue to keep you and Dorian in my thoughts and prayers, that she may somehow make a miracle recovery but in any case please keep us informed, we do care about you and Dorian.

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Wasting Disease - Proventricular Dilitation Disease (PDD)It thought to be caused by a virus & it is not thought to be highly contagious.The disease can be diagnosed by taking a biopsy of the crop tissue.It was thought untill recently that the area affected was the path between the crop and the stomach, This would tie in with her not being able to digest food & the weight loss.now it has been found that it affects nerve endings to all of the major organs. We are not qualified in avian medicine bit i hope that helped a little,you really need to discuss all the options with your vet ;)

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Hi Unfortunalty after 4 long months i got her an endiscopic which diagnosed her with macaw disaase. The vet set there was no cure and she had had this for a long time. I think my baby had this from were we got her from as she was never right from when we got her.


We put her to sleep to birdy heaven today. :-( I did a lot of crying weeks ago so it helped me cope more today. It was so sad as she was slowly going mad. I have an amazon now who i dont know will ever get it. Just a question what would you do if you bought of a breeder who sold you a bird with this disease.? :-9

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I'm so sorry to hear of this but it was probably for the best that you sent her on to the Rainbow Bridge, at least she is not suffering any more. I know you are going thru a devastating time right now but the pain will ease in time. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

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You are in my thoughts & prayers. I only wish she didn't have to suffer like she did, as I am sure you feel the same. I am glad she is at peace now. I hope you will know that you did all you could to fight for her, but it was God's way to have her with our other feathered friends that are waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge. :(

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Oh I am so sorry to hear this very sad news. You did everything you could to get to the root of the problem and find a successful treatment for your much loved Grey.


You took the most humane path, though saddening and heart breaking to say the least.


My thoughts and prayers are with you.


PDD (Macaw wasting disease)has long been an illusive disease that has claimed the lives of many species of birds outside the Macaw community over the last 30 years. New breakthroughs in understanding this disease have just recently been found such as at UC Davis and hopefully one day detection and treatment at a very early stage will be possible.


It surely came from the breeder and it is surprising the breeder has not detected or alerted all who have purchased birds from him of this.

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