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Hey guys,

Just a quick intro to get started...

My husband and I are getting our TAG this coming Saterday (11/06). Her name is morgan. We haven't gotten the DNA results back yet, so she may very well be a he. We should know by the time she's ready to come home with us (just waiting for our breeder to confirm that she's maintaining her weight after being weaned, the wait is killing me!) We had the chance to go visit her today and take some pics to tide us over.

Currently our Flock of Hooligans include a Sun Conure named stewie, and 2 pudgie Budgies named Scout and Badger.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone. Until then, here's The World Famous Morgan!



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Hello Abernathy and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Morgan.


She/he is a sweet looking thing from the pic you shared with us and I can imagine that next Saturday won't come soon enough for you when waiting for something like this. I like the name Morgan and it fits for either sex.


I also have a sun conure, she was the first parrot I owned and it gave me the courage to go for what I really wanted, a grey, but she has taught me so much and I love both of them. I don't know about yours but my sun conure is such a clown and is practically a shoulder ornament for that is her favorite place to be.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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Thank you :) You're right, Saterday can't come soon enough. We spent about an hour with her and just had a blast. She was not timid at all and even let my husband put her on her back against his chest and pet her belly.

Stewie (our Sun) is such a ham. He was our first parrot as well and because he's so awsome we decided to expand our flock. He does all sorts of silly things to make us laugh, then bobs his head up and down saying "hahaha" It is a rare occasion when he's not hanging upside down off of something, even us. He says a few words and strings them into sentences when he's winding down for the night. He's very impressed with his ability to say "S", his favorite way to express his joy is "ssstew, ssstep up"

I've been reading through the different sections here and finding all sorts of helpful info. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions when Morgan gets home. B)

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Welcome Abernathy and Morgan!!


That is a great photo of your new TAG. Being able to visit the breeders and getting to know your Grey before you bring it home is a wonderful advantage and experience. It makes bringing them home so much easier. They will atleast be with people it know, trusts and loves. That helps ease the impact of moving to a whole new world to them.


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing additional photos as you get the chance. :-)

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Thanks for the warm welcome :)

Visiting with Morgan a couple of times before we bring her home has been really great. When we chose our sun conure we did the same thing. He was very close by so we were able to really build a friendship with him before he came home with us. When he did, it was such a smooth transition. We knew we wanted to try and do the same with Morgan.

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Its like waiting for a new baby isnt it? You even have the nesting urges many women get just before they deliver:P I am sure Morgan will be grand when you get him home as he has met you a few times already.



I can't wait to see the photos now, your excitement is contagious!

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