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Did anyone ever have a night,are about your grey and if you dont mind telling what happened? I took a nap after daycare and woke up crying.


My nightmare of Alcazar was that I went into the back yard w/Alcazar on my shoulder.The dog in back?neighbors dog barked. Alcazar got scared and went to jump.I held my hands out to catch him because he is clipped and a hawk came down and swooped him.Knowing my condition in my nightmare I ran with my hands out in fear when the hawk dropped him I wanted to catch him before he hit the ground.Alcazar was fighting and fighting.I was able to hop the fence and kept running then I woke up crying. Woahhh was I happy to see I was in the house and he was safe.I DON'T EVER want that to happen so when I get better and take him outside he will definently be on some leash so then I can beat the hawk up when I tug Alcazar back......lol

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OHHHHHHHHH yeah, many bad dreams about things happening to Elmo.


The worst and most recent was really bad. I was riding a bike with Elmo in his harness riding on my shoulder. I'm going at a good pace when all of a sudden Elmo gets spooked and tries to fly away. The harness keeps her from getting away but flings her to the back and she gets caught up in the back wheel. I can't stop and she goes into the spokes and is killed. In the dream I am screaming for someone to help but no one does as I try to get Elmo's body out of the wheel...that's when I woke up in tears.


That dream felt to real that I have vowed to NEVER take Elmo on or near a bike...EVER!!!

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Oh wow, no I have not experienced a nightmare regarding Dayo.


I would not want to experience the horror you each woke up with either. I hope to never have one regarding Dayo. I have had them regarding my children and they are indeed realistic and horrifying.:ohmy:

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You guys are lucky to never have nightmares about your greys. I had nightmares all the time when I was hand-feeding him and quite a few now that he is older.


I have nightmares all the time about many thing, but I'm a worry wort by nature so the nightmares are probably a manifestation of my anxieties.

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