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Talking question


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Ok so in the last few days when Alex is singing he says hello as part of his song. It's just part of what he is singing along with all the other sounds he does. We always respond back to him with a hello. He will use all his other sounds when he is just doing a few chirps but wont say hello unless it is part of his song. Will he start saying hello on it's own with time?

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If he can make the sounds to form the word Hello, it is very likely that he will say it on its own at some stage. But there is no guarantee that he will talk at all, or if he does that he will ever say what you want him to say;) Liath says everything imaginable but she still doesnt say Good morning properly :(


But I forgive her, because she is just so much fun regardless!

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If he chooses to he will, greys have a mind of their own and say what they choose to say, sometimes you can repeat a word or phrase to them many times over and they will never repeat it and then on the other hand they hear it once and repeat it over and over, go figure.


They usually do go thru several times during the day when they are vocal, repeating words and sounds they like and then other times they are as quiet as a church mouse.

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Oh I am very awear that Alex my never talk. Alex has a mind of his own and does what he wants. He is very smart and will work very hard to get what he wants. I love him no matter what. He can be such a goof ball. I will have to get the hubby to talk to him more. Most of Alex's sounds he has picked up from my hubby.

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Judy is right about them saying what they want. I have found with Baxter that I can sit and repeat words or sayings untill I am blue in the face trying to get him to say funny things that I would like to hear. He has other things in mind though.


For Instance, My husband was poking fun at me saying "Have you noticed that Baxter only gives orders?" Sneakily Implying that I a have controls issues:angry: The words that Baxter has picked up haven't been funny or cute. They are "Shut up, Knock it off, Come Ere and Stop it" He also picked up my smokers cough, our squeaky chair and our creeking gate and he came to our house belching:lol:


Baxter seems to like to point out my short comings:( . Sigh... But he's the only one who can tell me these things and get away with it:P:) :P

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tigerlily also drops the "H" in "come here" lol

also calls herself "maddam" says "stop it" "naughty" "get down" "no" "what do you think you're doing"

etc but on the other hand she also says

"good girl", "hello gorgous", "your gorgous", "hello babe", "good morning", "give me a kiss", "i love you" "allright babe"


and bearing in mind that i live alone she also lets of these allmighty burps:whistle:

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Makena is one of those greys that doesn't talk although he has picked up every random noise you could possibly think of!! I had him outside today and he was mimicking all the birds that were flying around perfectly. I almost didn't even realize it was him!

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Tyco will learn to say something so quick and others I know she can say but won't. THe other day Tuesday was sharing a peice of pepreroni with Tyco I wasn't home but the next day Tyco looked at me and said pepperoni yum yum want some. Well I just about flipped because I knew that I had never given her pepperoni. and I didn't have any Idea where she got that from. I said where did you learn about pepperoni thats when Tuesday said I shared a peice with her yesterday. Things that she likes she learns right away and says it over and over. Thing that don't intrest her. like trying to get her to say I love you. she won't say. except on her terms. like one morning she woke up and I didn't get her up right away. well within 10 minutes or so later she said I love you I think she said that because she new I would get her up if she said it. Because no matter how hard I try to get her to say it again she won't. Such a little brat makes a lyer out of me all the time.:laugh:

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Nicky's a closet talker and only speaks when no one's watching him, the little bugger. He'll repeat "Hello", "Good boy", "NO!!" and "What?!", but if anyone comes into the room he'll stop talking and launch into a string of random noises. Some of his favourites are what we call Deformed Crow (he picked up a crow noise the first day he was home, then decided to improvise horribly on it :blink: ) an awful squeaking noise like unoiled machinery and Deformed Neighbours' Dog, which is basically an improvisation on the neighbours' dog!


I can hardly wait for the day he decides to improvise on words...

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If there were any donkeys living near me they would have no rear legs.

Misty has become a very accomplished talker. More importantly he will use words or phrases in context. Interestingly in some cases the context is one he has decided for himself. Specifically the phrase "stoppit" and "stoppwhat" he now uses to demand a share in my food. He sits on my shoulder and hisses "stoppit" in my ear if I am slow to share. I don't know how that came about but I used to say "stoppit" to Misty when he was chewing on the furniture or some other forbidden act. Perhaps he thinks my not sharing my food is a forbidden act?

I have already related how he asks to come out of his cage with "can I come out" in another post.

He knows when I am preparing to go out because if he sees me pick up my keys or put on my shoes or coat he will say "got to go out". As I go out and close the door he says "by by" or "won't be long" or "see you later".

He knows what water is. If he wants me to give him a drink he says "water water". If he splashes water in a bowl or sees it pouring from a tap he will also say "water" and also imitate the sound of water pouring. When I shake a sauce bottle he makes a glugging noise! If I pick up the tea pot in the kitchen he says "cuppa tea". If its my coffee cup he says "coffee". When I get the bread out or prepare toast he says "toast". He hates it when I scrape the toast. He believes that to be a nipping offense ! If I have to tell him off for a misdeed he will say "be good boy"!

I have not set out to teach him any of these things he just picks them up by himself. When I first had him he was two years old. He knew a few words including the "F" word. Even then he seemed only to use it if I upset him. I had disturbed him one night after he had been covered up to sleep. He climbed down and peered at me from under the cover and said 'F*** off" and then climbed back up ! Now days he never uses bad language and I never swear in front of him.

I did try teaching him to name fruits and other food items with some success

but I decided that it was teasing him so I stopped. Now days he calls all fruit "orange" or "want orange".

He knows my brother and daughter and also our cat (RIP) by name.

I am sure the fact that he is never in his cage except to sleep and that he is interested in what ever I do, is the reason he has learned so much.


Steve n Misty

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Wow steve! :woohoo: Misty sure does have a BIG mouth!! I wish kasko new half thooose words!!!!:blink: All he says is two garbled kaskooo.... well actually one is just a kooooo from kaskooo..:P

and Suzzique i hope he does say a hello! :side:

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Lyric is two now, as of yesterday, and I believe he is just learning how to talk. But, he does it in a sing-song kind of way, like he's singing a song but it happens to be "pretty bird" in the rhythm that it comes out- does this make sense? It's hard to explain. I haven't heard anything clearly yet, but I thought once a long time ago I heard him say pretty bird but then he never said it again so I didn't know if I was imagining it or not! I really would just love it if he talked but of course I love him so much, it's okay if he never does too, just an added bonus to having a feathered child.

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I totally know what you are saying! That is exactly what Alex is doing. It really is pretty clear for him. But it's just part of his song. He will take the "hello" right into a whistle or chicken clucking and just keep going. Sometimes it's even hello, whistle, hello, cluck, hello ect. He just wont say hello on it's own. Which is totally opiset from his other sounds. He learned his other sounds first then added them to his song. So maybe we will both get lucky! B) :woohoo: :cheer:

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  • 4 weeks later...

what age do gray start to talk our CAG is 9 mouths old

Dusty makes lots of noise wolf wistle, sirens, awl, quack and screeches dont no where he picked the sounds up form

exeped the wolf wistle can any one recomed a video or book to help me teach dusty to talk

This is my first parrot so I need all the help I cam get


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Ron, if Dusty is going to talk he will when he gets good and ready, my grey Josey didn't talk until she was a year old so he has plenty of time. You don't need any books or videos to teach them to talk, if they want to say words and phrases they will, just keep talking to him.


Ron, why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and Dusty.

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Yep Alex said Hello all by it's self last week. He said it once and has not said it sence. Not even as part of his song. So at this point I don't think he is going to talk. I love him no matter what.


No offence Ron but just because you got a bird that is renound for talking doesn't mean he is going to. There is a small percent that never talk. So if he is going to talk he will when he is good and ready. Love your bird for the wonderful creature he is and if he talks then it is just a bonus.

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I know what you mean that greys have a mind of there own

sometimes when I tell Pogo I love him once he said great, another time he said alright. But most of the time he just looks at me. But I'll take what ever he says since he is just 6 months.

They will talk when they want to if they want to.

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Oh my! All these talking stories are awesome!!:laugh: What a wide range of talking capabilities - isn't that amazing? That just goes to show how diverse their personalities are!


When I got Bella, the breeders told me she was already trying to say things at the age of 4 months. Little did they know!!!:laugh: That girl talks from the moment I get up to the time I go to sleep!


She likes to watch TV, so she's constantly picking things up from there. She seems to get a bang out of certain phrases and she will say it over and again and then do variations on it. Right now her thing is Whoop-dee-doo! And she'll say that in all kinds of ways. She still does the peak-a-boo, and she'll sing peekie-peekie- boo- boo, or she'll just say boo boo :laugh:


What where she threw me for a loop was I had no idea she could already speak in context. I found that out the first time in mid-summer when the cable guy was here. I left the room and Bella started to ask him "where'd she go?" and she kept saying it until the poor guy got so spooked he found me and said "ah, I know this sounds wierd, but I think your bird wants you! " :laugh: :laugh:


She's also asked for my female greyhound, Dream if we're all together and Dream isn't with us. Bella said "where's Deeem" (she can't pronounce 'r's and she seems to drag Dream out to DEEEEEM - that may have come from me trying to get her to say Dream :laugh: )


The funniest comments she makes though is when she makes commentary on her business. I have no idea what that's about - sometime she'll do a quick "ooop! Poop poop!" and some times she gives out this groan and then she'll say "poop" :blink:


When she wants me to pick her up, she stands on my foot and says "step up!! step up!!" and when I put my finger in front of her and get ready to say "step up" she beats me to it and says "step up" before I do :laugh:


But she sure keeps a smile on my face! She has the best personality - funny, inquisative, open - I have no idea what I did to deserve such a wonderful family member, but I couldn't possibly lover or treasure her more!

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Hershey finally picked up a new phrase. She loves to say "turd bird" Funny thing is I only called her that once when she pooped on my shoulder :blush: . She mumbles a lot. My favorite thing she say's is whatcha doin doin? I have no idea why she repeats the last word. She is also just 6 months old. I figure when she mumbles she is trying to figure out how to say something.

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Nychsa, Maxi also beats me to "step up". Usually she says it when I offer my hand (but before she actually steps up) - and quite often she says it to tell me she wants to step up (i.e., she's standing on one leg, flapping that free foot at me :P ).


One thing I also notice with her is that she'll have some days when she's very quiet most of the day - hardly even whistles, just preens and eats and climbs around and pesters her toys. Other days she'll be gabbling away like mad, and other days still she's working on whistling-and-wild-bird-call medleys for hours. It's always interesting to see what the Activity of the Day is going to be.:)

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LindaMary wrote:

Nychsa, Maxi also beats me to "step up". Usually she says it when I offer my hand (but before she actually steps up) - and quite often she says it to tell me she wants to step up (i.e., she's standing on one leg, flapping that free foot at me :P ).


One thing I also notice with her is that she'll have some days when she's very quiet most of the day - hardly even whistles, just preens and eats and climbs around and pesters her toys. Other days she'll be gabbling away like mad, and other days still she's working on whistling-and-wild-bird-call medleys for hours. It's always interesting to see what the Activity of the Day is going to be.:)


Isn't it a riot! "STEP UP"! How old is Maxi? Bella is now 16 months :lol: I'd say since about mid-summer she's never had a quiet day :blink: She chatters all the time - she chatters with me, to Jiggy to the dogs, to the TV - heck, she'd chatter to herself! She tries to say sentances really fast and that sounds SO FUNNY - the faces she makes with her chatter! She was on her perch one day pontificating away about something and she got so into her speach she even raised one of her feet as if to make a point! :laugh:


Maybe she's been watching too much CNN and is starting to act like a politician?????? :P

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