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baby food


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Why limit it to just once a week, you can give it to them every day if you like, just vary the flavor, be sure to use a small spoon and then you will have him prepared for when you may have to give meds by spoon. I mix a little in with the oatmeal I fix her for breakfast or some do a nighttime treat before they go to bed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well Tigerlily is now enjoying an almost daily feed of baby food which of course she was a bit dubious of at first and to my suprise baby food doesn't taste that bad eitherB)


when she takes a big bite from her new spoon (plastic) her eyes quickly pinpoint for a split second which i'm asuming is a good sign?

anyway, I love these new meal times together and its even better knowing that Tigerlily is getting many new healthy ingrediants this way as i'm not known for my cooking skillsB)


So a big thankyou again to this forum from me and Tigerlily


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LOL - Yes, there eyes pinning, rolling etc. when taking that first bite reminds me of a human tasting something and mmmmming, yum yumming along with facial expressions of how good it is. :-)


When eating something I know my Grey loves, I'll taste it and say mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm GOOD!! One of these days he'll say it with true understanding. The next thing to teach him will be "Yuck, it tastes like crap". :P

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