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Hi! New Grey mom here

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sonya2.jpg Hello there!

My name is Renee and I am a new "Mom" to Sonya, a beautiful female African Grey.

I took her in "temporarily" for a family who lost their home, but we fell in love with her and adopted her.

When she came to us she was neglected, malnourished and picked her front feathers out.

She is happy and spoiled rotten now and has lots of fuzzy feathers coming in.

She chatters away cheerfully all day, she sits on top of her cage unless I go out or go to bed,

I have been teaching her to whistle "The andy griffith show themesong" lol.. which she almost got it now and its only been two weeks of training.

She is such a joy in my life! what a love bug!

I am here to meet others that have a grey and to learn everythig I can about how to keep her healthy and happy!


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Welcome to the forum. Im glad you took in an older grey especially one that needed special attention like Sonya. I too have a female grey but she is still a baby at 6months. Im glad Sonya is happy now and doing well. Enjoy reading the threads as I am sure you will you will find them useful.



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hi and welcome. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun together I believe that if a grey has chosen to bond with you it is one of the highest privaliges you could ask for.

I'd do anything for my baby and have only just found this site and found it to be a great place to chat and LEARN!!!B)

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Hello Renee and welcome to the family, so glad you have decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Sonya.


She is so cute in that shot you shared with us and I am so happy you could take in this grey and bring it back to full health. It was just meant to be for you to take care of her temporarily which led you to take her permanently for you seem like you have her best interests at heart.


You certainly came to the right place to learn all you need to know to take proper care of her, we have lots of information in our many threads, just browse thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions and we will help you in any way we can.


BTW, how old is she? She has certainly adjusted well to her new home so you must be doing something right.:)

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Hi Renee and welcome to the site. I adopted an older bird too and I have found this site so helpful to me. My grey was neglected too but I didn't realize how much untill I joined the forum. Thanks to everyones help and advice Baxter is making huge accomplishments. I've only had him a little over a months and seems every week I have a new question and thank goodness I have all these members to help me out. I'm looking forward to hearing more about you and Sonya.


It's funny you said you were teaching her the theme from Andy Griffith...Me too:) He learne some parts of it and fills in the rest with his own lyrics. It's so funny.:laugh: :woohoo:

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Thank you to everyone! What a lovely welcome!

Sonya is wonderful..I am not sure how old she is, I know her former owners had them for a while before I met them and that was about 10 years ago! I will make sure to ask them.

"lovemygreys" in ypur icon there is a blue and gold macaw there too, how ironic, we also took in a blue and gold macaw "Oscar" one of my borders adopted him, she is spoiling him rotten. that poor thing plucked every feather out of his chest before he came to us.

And he is very difficult, but she won him over :)

Sonya surprises me every day.. today we were all sitting on the deck talking and laughing and she let out a loud human laugh!

And the other day she kissed me on the lips and made the kiss sound!! (how do they do that with no lips??) LOL

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Hi! Welcome to the forum... Im sure Sonya is also having a wonderful time with you! :cheer: Shes really picking up quickly! This is a great forum, you'll always get some good advice...:side: and im looking forward to getting to know more about Sonya! :cheer: :)

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