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Hi Pugnacious and welcome here! Sounds like you have a very busy life and lots of love to share with your crew.

The pictures of Smoke are great, what a pretty bird! I also have a Timneh. You can tell the difference because of the horn colored beak (Congo's beaks are all black) and also Timnehs have darker maroon colored tails versus the bright red of Congos. The overall coloration of a Timneh is darker grey and they are also smaller than a Congo. Those are the basic differences.

Does Smoke talk at all? It will take some time for him to adjust to all the changes in his/her life but given time and patience he will adjust just fine.

Hope you enjoy your time on the forum!

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judygram wrote:

T stands for Timneh as in Timneh african grey, Tag for short Erika.;)


That's right {Emotions-000200B8}. And I knew that, too. I really did. Another brain fart for me. I guess my age is catching up with me:dry: I can't see no more, can't remember anything no more, forget what I'm doing in a split second. My thoughts just leave my brain as quick as the come{Feel-bad-00020072} I'm turning into my mother{Feel-bad-0002006A} Nooooo!

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